40+ Posters That Perfectly Sum Up The Feelings Of The Pro-Choice Majority As A Response To The Texas Abortion Law

People started marching down the streets as a protest and they came with the best signs!

40+ Posters That Perfectly Sum Up The Feelings Of The Pro-Choice Majority As A Response To The Texas Abortion Law

In the past few decades, abortion has joined race and war as one of the most debatable subjects of controversy in the United States. It discusses human interaction where ethics, emotions, and law come together.

Abortion poses a moral, social, and medical dilemma that forces many individuals to react. In this type of situation religious, legal, and medical concerns arise.

The basic argument against abortion is that it is always immoral to take away a human life. Pro-choice people outright deny this, because the lives of humans at the early stages of development are not of comparable value to the lives of mature human beings.

However, anti-abortion groups strongly emphasize the fact that these fetuses have already formed lives, and that they should not be discarded for the sake of the "selfishness" of a woman. This leads society to debate over whether a woman shall have a say in her own body when it comes to dealing with an unwanted pregnancy, and knowing that women have defended their right to choose for their own bodies for so long now, this whole controversial topic has become a bloodbath (well, metaphorically) in the streets.

That being said, when a new Texas law that restricts access to abortion was passed, thousands of people started to gather in the streets and protested for abortion rights all across the country. They brought signs and placards that certainly took a lot of attention, especially on social media.

Take a look at the best ones below!

1. Danger!

1. Danger!LunaSerenade

2. Don't Tread On Me

2. Don't Tread On MeIndivisibleANC

3. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun...damental Rights

3. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun...damental RightsLitaTweets

4. Oh Right, Texas

4. Oh Right, Texas1alyssakang

5. Let Women Be Heard!

5. Let Women Be Heard!NMarksbury

6. My Body, My Business

6. My Body, My BusinessLucasConnerMO

7. Being Forced To Go Through Pregnancy Just Doesn't Sit Right

7. Being Forced To Go Through Pregnancy Just Doesn't Sit RightJustTwin

8. Could This Cute Doggo Convince You?

8. Could This Cute Doggo Convince You?DrJulieHardwick

9. If That Ain't Clear Enough

9. If That Ain't Clear Enoughbrownmanswh0re

10. Women, Take Up Space!

10. Women, Take Up Space!MattHaneySF

11. Grant Women A Choice

11. Grant Women A ChoiceLitaTweets

12. Women's Rights Above All

12. Women's Rights Above AllDervishWaking

13. Spongebob Said It First

13. Spongebob Said It Firstactdottv

14. The Meaning Of Misogyny Though...

14. The Meaning Of Misogyny Though...DervishWaking

15. Get Them Off

15. Get Them OffMaryAnnSCliffo2

16. Bans Off Our Bodies

16. Bans Off Our BodiesMsLisaHendricks

17. Defending Democracy

17. Defending DemocracyLWVSF

18. What The Sign Says

18. What The Sign SaysDervishWaking

19. We Won't Go Back

19. We Won't Go Backjewelyjewely

20. Don't Mess With Women

20. Don't Mess With WomenAshadahya

21. Stand For Women

21. Stand For WomenLitaTweets

22. It's A Movement

22. It's A MovementKAPhillips66

23. A Womb Isn't The Only Thing That There Is To A Woman

23. A Womb Isn't The Only Thing That There Is To A Womanifudontlike2bad

24. This Should Go Both Ways, Too, If That's The Case

24. This Should Go Both Ways, Too, If That's The CaseEcoSexuality

25. A Photo Of Resistance

25. A Photo Of ResistanceOccupyWallStNYC

26. Or They Can Go F Themselves?

26. Or They Can Go F Themselves?DervishWaking

27. It's Just A Clump Of Cells

27. It's Just A Clump Of CellsEmilyPower

28. Abortion = Freedom

28. Abortion = FreedomUltraViolet

29. Regulate Corporations

29. Regulate Corporationsbrownmanswh0re

30. Even The Elderly Are Here!

30. Even The Elderly Are Here!AngryNYCGal

31. The Hard Truth That Some People Can't Accept

31. The Hard Truth That Some People Can't Acceptbrownmanswh0re

32. Even The Men Have Participated

32. Even The Men Have ParticipatedKAPhillips66

33. Nothing But Facts

33. Nothing But FactsMattHaneySF

34. Fallopians 4:28

34. Fallopians 4:281alyssakang

35. We Must Progress, Not Regress

35. We Must Progress, Not RegressTPBlue4

36. The Elephant In The Room? No, The Elephant In The Womb

36. The Elephant In The Room? No, The Elephant In The Wombbellablueyes1

37. The Sad Truth

37. The Sad TruthDervishWaking

38. Let The Women Be!

38. Let The Women Be!canineasylum

39. Safe Abortion For Those Who Need It

39. Safe Abortion For Those Who Need Itpppswaction

40. As What Rachel Green Said, "No Uterus, No Opinion!"

40. As What Rachel Green Said, DervishWaking

41. More Witty Signs!

41. More Witty Signs!tweetMalena

42. Petition For Safe And Accessible Abortions

42. Petition For Safe And Accessible AbortionsDervishWaking

43. Planned Parenthood

43. Planned Parenthoodpppswaction

44. Can This Be A Two-Way Street?

44. Can This Be A Two-Way Street?DervishWaking

45. A Virus Has More Freedom Than Women

45. A Virus Has More Freedom Than Womenbrownmanswh0re

Abortion may seem like a taboo subject to some people, but it truly is an important discourse, especially for women who deserve the right to choose what to do with their bodies. Legalizing abortion does not mean that women are free to "kill the babies" anytime they want, this only provides women a choice to go through safe procedures whenever the situation calls for it.

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