It's Official: The New Criminal Male Model Is Trending and He's Called 'Bae'

After #JailBae comes #PrisonBae, and he's insanely hot.

It's Official: The New Criminal Male Model Is Trending and He's Called 'Bae'

Remember #JailBae? Unless you've lived under a rock these past few years, we'll assume you have!

Jeremy Meeks, 'Jail Bae', had his mugshot go viral all over social media since 2014. A modeling agency saw his potential and hired him while he was still behind bars. No doubt that his gorgeous baby-blue eyes, sharp cheekbones, and masculine jawline would catch him millions of admirers online.

He was an internet sensation for many months, but his time and 'Bae' title on the pedestal is over.

Ladies, a new good-lookin' convict is in town. (I would never have thought I would type this sentence in my life, and even more to make it seem like it's the greatest news ever.)


Featuring Mekhi Alante Lucky, a young felon (he's only 20) whose mugshot also went viral, which also ended with a modeling agency hiring him, earning the nickname 'Prison Bae'.

With his naturally arched brows and flawlessly smooth skin, the real catch here is his Heterochromia. It's a condition in which the iris of his eyes is differently colored from each other. In his case, one is blue, while the other is dark brown.


It's not surprising how his unique eyes has caught ordinary eyes due to his good looks.

It's not surprising how his unique eyes has caught ordinary eyes due to his good looks.Instagram

Ambitious, he says he plans on becoming even more successful than the original 'Bae' convict.

Ambitious, he says he plans on becoming even more successful than the original 'Bae' convict.Instagram

His surname being "Lucky", he truly is, as he was able to avoid any jail time.

His surname being Instagram

And he was able to pursue his modeling career instantly.

And he was able to pursue his modeling career instantly.Instagram

He had been arrested numerous times before. But that doesn't make him any less handsome.

He had been arrested numerous times before. But that doesn't make him any less handsome.Instagram

His latest conviction was in April of 2016, for speeding in a stolen vehicle.

His latest conviction was in April of 2016, for speeding in a stolen vehicle.Instagram

He also stole some hearts. Which is probably worth some jail time too.

He also stole some hearts. Which is probably worth some jail time too.Instagram

This hot felon is getting loads of publicity, with currently 33K followers in Instagram.

This hot felon is getting loads of publicity, with currently 33K followers in Instagram.Instagram



This 28-year-old female model is brave facing the fashion industry despite her illness. She has a rare genetic condition but that hasn't stopped her from creating beautifully unusual photos.
