Disney Princesses Get An Elegant Queen Make Over From A Talented Artist Who Is A Jack Of All Trades

They're just really beautiful designer gowns.

  • Published in Disney
Disney Princesses Get An Elegant Queen Make Over From A Talented Artist Who Is A Jack Of All Trades

Lele Draw is an Italian cosplay artist and talented illustrator who is a dedicated Disney fan. He attended Accademia Internazionale del Musical Catania in Catatonia, Sicily, Italy, and now works full time living his dream as a "real-life Disney prince."

He has cosplayed some of the best Disney dudes including Aladdin, Flynn Rider, Prince Charming, and Prince Adam to name just a few. It's hard to imagine one person being packed with so much talent, but his Disney fan art is also seriously incredible! Check out this awesome series he created, giving Disney princesses some absolutely elegant Queen gowns inspired by their most popular dresses in their films.

Support the Artist: DeviantArt | Cosplay Instagram | Art Instagram | Facebook

1. and Aurora

1. and Auroragfantasy92

2. Cinderella

2. Cinderellagfantasy92

3. Ariel from The Little Mermaid

3. Ariel from The Little Mermaidgfantasy92

4. Tiana from The Princess and the Frog

4. Tiana from The Princess and the Froggfantasy92

5. Other beautiful works of art from this talented artist include some wedding dress designs for classic princesses like Snow White

5. Other beautiful works of art from this talented artist include some wedding dress designs for classic princesses like Snow Whitegfantasy92

6. Moana

6. Moanagfantasy92

7. Elsa, Frozen

7. Elsa, Frozengfantasy92

8. Rapunzel from Tangled

8. Rapunzel from Tangledgfantasy92

9. Cinderella

9. Cinderellagfantasy92

10. Anna, in a dress inspired by the first Frozen movie

10. Anna, in a dress inspired by the first Frozen moviegfantasy92

11. Jasmine from Aladdin

11. Jasmine from Aladdingfantasy92

12. Aurora from Sleeping Beauty

12. Aurora from Sleeping Beautygfantasy92

13. Mulan

13. Mulangfantasy92

14. Snow White from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

14. Snow White from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfsgfantasy92

15. Belle from Beauty and the Beast

15. Belle from Beauty and the Beastgfantasy92

16. Merida from Brave

16. Merida from Bravegfantasy92

17. Pocahontas

17. Pocahontasgfantasy92