Law Firm Employee Accuses Intern Of Benefitting From 'Pretty Privilege' Upon Learning Of Her Relationship With One Of The Bosses

Pretty privilege and jealousy both are playing a part in this situation.

Law Firm Employee Accuses Intern Of Benefitting From 'Pretty Privilege' Upon Learning Of Her Relationship With One Of The Bosses

Welcome back to another Reddit post from the AITA thread that we're going to be looking at today. This thread is often something where people will come and get unbiased advice or opinions on their situations to see if they are wrong or right in how they acted in said situation.

We like to show off these posts because they usually do have a lot of feedback and engagement, which is usually pretty fun to read. With this all being said, we are diving into a post where a woman claims that she told her intern that she's benefiting from "pretty privilege" because she's sleeping with someone that can be considered their boss.

She wanted to know if she was in the wrong for saying this to her even though she felt that her intern's relationship with their higher-up was definitely not appropriate. People had a lot to say in the comments about this situation, and they gave OP a lot of insight into what they thought about this.

If you're interested in hearing more about this situation and seeing what people have to say about what she said, then keep on reading. We're going to give you the full look into this post by OP and also some of the best comments on it as well.

OP starts off her post explaining where she works and the dynamic of this intern and a senior associate.

OP starts off her post explaining where she works and the dynamic of this intern and a senior associate.u/movezlikeyaeger

She then went on to tell us that she confronted them about it and how this all ended up going.

She then went on to tell us that she confronted them about it and how this all ended up going.u/movezlikeyaeger

Finally she ends her post with wondering if she's in the wrong to have told her intern this.

Finally she ends her post with wondering if she's in the wrong to have told her intern this.u/movezlikeyaeger

People quickly came to the comments to give their opinions on what they thought of her actions and how she told her intern this.

People quickly came to the comments to give their opinions on what they thought of her actions and how she told her intern this.WaywardPrincess1025

People even agreed that maybe they are being inappropriate but that she probably shouldn't have said this to her.

People even agreed that maybe they are being inappropriate but that she probably shouldn't have said this to her.dibblechibbs

This person pointed out exactly where OP lost her because she's right about what exactly she's mad about.

This person pointed out exactly where OP lost her because she's right about what exactly she's mad about.regina_3264

This person had a lot to say to OP about why they feel the way they do.

This person had a lot to say to OP about why they feel the way they do.sss133

This comment was short but said a lot.

This comment was short but said a lot.Beneficial_Cloud6490

People always have something to say about the one who is threatening to snitch and this is the same case.

People always have something to say about the one who is threatening to snitch and this is the same case.earmares

This person saw both sides of it and could give us a bit if an opinion that was seen on both sides.

This person saw both sides of it and could give us a bit if an opinion that was seen on both sides.Waste-Ad8133

Many people in the comments did seem to be bothered by the fact that they are sleeping together, so that is a common opinion.

Many people in the comments did seem to be bothered by the fact that they are sleeping together, so that is a common opinion.Bloograyna

This might have been exactly what many of us would have done.

This might have been exactly what many of us would have done.TofuDadWagon

This definitely shows the type of situation that OP is in with being in a law firm.

This definitely shows the type of situation that OP is in with being in a law firm.Wide_Pin7357

This one asked a question to OP but ultimately still gave a YTA vote.

This one asked a question to OP but ultimately still gave a YTA vote.sam_sparkles69

We definitely think people were a bit on the fence with this one and many of the comments swayed to both of them being in the wrong. We have to agree with this but we hope that OP doesn't do anything crazy that will diminish her career by just trying to out this couple.
