Pregnant Lady Unleashes Fury On Next-Door Neighbor For Getting Her Car Towed After Repeatedly Blocking His Driveway

“I called a tow truck and they impounded her vehicle today because it was on my property.”

Pregnant Lady Unleashes Fury On Next-Door Neighbor For Getting Her Car Towed After Repeatedly Blocking His Driveway

Our narrator (Original Poster) had been living peacefully in his cozy apartment for a year and a half, but everything changed when their neighbor moved out.

Someone new moved in, and the first thing she did was bring mayhem. What other reason could she possibly have for parking her car in a spot that was crucial for OP to maneuver his big truck out of his driveway?

Now, for anyone who's ever driven a big truck, you know it’s like trying to parallel park a yacht – precision is key, and space is a luxury. OP, being the courteous soul he was, kindly asked her to move her car, but his request fell on deaf ears. Did I mention her chosen spot was actually in OP’s own driveway?

Yesterday, the situation reached a boiling point. As OP carefully reversed, the neighbor decided it was horn-blaring time as she spotted his truck inches away from her car. She held it down like she was auditioning for a car alarm commercial.

Oh, but that was just the opening act. She then stormed out, threatening legal action and hurling every insult under the sun at OP. At this point, he decided enough was enough. 

Enter the hero of our tale: the tow truck. OP called in the cavalry, and the neighbor’s car was swiftly impounded for trespassing on his driveway. 

Justice served, right? But she wasn’t ready to throw in the towel. She turned her frustration on OP’s front door and began pounding away in a futile attempt to provoke a reaction. 

Little did she know, OP was cool as a cucumber. He calmly enjoyed the drama from the comfort of his car. Was he the AH in this situation?

Let’s dig into the details

Let’s dig into the

Here's an overview of the story

Here's an overview of the

OP asked his neighbor to move her vehicle, but she ignored him. After she honked and screamed threats, OP called a tow truck, and her car was impounded for being on his property.

OP asked his neighbor to move her vehicle, but she ignored him. After she honked and screamed threats, OP called a tow truck, and her car was impounded for being on his

Since then, OP's neighbour has been banging on his door trying to provoke him, but he's unfazed. For clarification, OP also posted a map of the situation on his profile.

Since then, OP's neighbour has been banging on his door trying to provoke him, but he's unfazed. For clarification, OP also posted a map of the situation on his

Check out some interesting comments we've gathered from the Reddit community;

Check out some interesting comments we've gathered from the Reddit community;

"Being pregnant does not normally turn people into screaming demons"

"By parking there, she is blocking both OP and his neighbor in, and neither of them gave her permission to park there."

"NTA and I agree about getting a doorbell camera."

"You should record her as she keeps attacking your door."

"Her attitude was way out of line"

"She was also rude to you. She deserved what she got."

"Pregnancy doesn't give you a free pass to be a jerk who parks illegally"

In the end, Redditors rallied behind OP, and declared them NTA. Most agreed that when driveway diplomacy fails, a tow truck is a justified response.

OP was simply enforcing boundaries—and sometimes, tough love and a tow are the only ways to get through.

We’d love to get your thoughts on this story. Join the conversation in the comments.
