Disney Princesses Reimagined As Pregnant Mothers In The Modern-Day

Disney princesses like you've never seen them before

  • Published in Disney
Disney Princesses Reimagined As Pregnant Mothers In The Modern-Day

Disney movies allowed us to experience so many interesting aspects of the lives of their world's beloved characters, we've witnessed them overcome evil and fight for their freedom, but it's still a quite small portion of their existence. The only thing that we're sure of is that they live happily ever after.

What an interesting concept it would be if we could see our favorite Disney characters as parents, struggling to raise their children and living life to the fullest. 

A brilliant artist who also happens to be a mother gave us the closest thing to that. Oksana Pashchenko used her maternity leave downtime to create some beautiful illustrations portraying Disney Princesses as pregnant women, and they're absolutely amazing.

1. Jasmine and Aladdin

1. Jasmine and Aladdin@goldoxi21

2. Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip

2. Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip@goldoxi21

3. Mulan and Li Shang

3. Mulan and Li Shang@goldoxi21

4. Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen

4. Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen@goldoxi21

5. Princess Ariel and Prince Eric

5. Princess Ariel and Prince Eric@goldoxi21

6. Cinderella and Prince Charming

6. Cinderella and Prince Charming@goldoxi21

7. Pocahontas and John Smith

7. Pocahontas and John Smith@goldoxi21

8. Princess Belle and Prince Adam

8. Princess Belle and Prince Adam@goldoxi21