Parents Hand Over A Power Of Attorney Document For Their 18-Year-Old To Sign, She Refuses And Outsmarts Them

"Reading over them, I’m not really sure if I want to sign it"

Parents Hand Over A Power Of Attorney Document For Their 18-Year-Old To Sign, She Refuses And Outsmarts Them

It's no brainer that you have to go over any document before placing your signature on it. The parents of the original poster of today's story was given a power of attorney document to sign for both her home-state and the state she'll be going to college in.

Just so you know, a power of attorney is an official instrument that enables another person to operate in your place. Old people and some others who desire to select a dependable individual to act on their behalf in the event that they are incapable of doing so can benefit from powers of attorney (POA).

The risk that you won't be able to make crucial financial decisions due to dementia, traumatic brain damage, or another handicap that could impair your mental function can be considered while creating a financial POA. In other words, a POA is typically "durable," meaning it remains in force even if you become incapacitated, and can be used for forward planning.

Health care powers of attorney are also frequently used by people to authorize another person to make medical choices on their behalf in the event that they are incapacitated. Also, many people execute a durable power of attorney, also known as a financial power of attorney, to authorize a friend or relative to handle their finances in the event of incapacitation.

The OP had questions about this so she sought the help of the r/legaladvice subreddit community.

The OP begins

The OP beginsReddit/iwanttodieallday_

OP's parents keep asking her almost every hour if she has read over the documents and signed them

OP's parents keep asking her almost every hour if she has read over the documents and signed themReddit/iwanttodieallday_

The reddit post got hundreds of comments and here are a bunch of the topmost ones

The reddit post got hundreds of comments and here are a bunch of the topmost onesReddit/iwanttodieallday_

The OP should not sign it

The OP should not sign itReddit/iwanttodieallday_

A general POA gives them power over the OP's life

A general POA gives them power over the OP's lifeReddit/iwanttodieallday_

OP's parents are trying to control her and her future

OP's parents are trying to control her and her futureReddit/iwanttodieallday_

Her parents are trying to take over how she lives her life

Her parents are trying to take over how she lives her lifeReddit/iwanttodieallday_

The OP added this in the comments:

I didn’t grow up in a good home environment, so that’s why I’m unsure. I think it may be difficult to withdraw all of my money since my parents are joint names or something like that on my bank account, so they have access to everything finance related on my end. I think I could do it slowly (the transfer) if I am able to get a part time job where my college is and open up a new bank account. I don’t want to be an adult minor though, so I’ll do my best to look into various options.


The OP shouldn't let them bully her into signing

The OP shouldn't let them bully her into signingReddit/iwanttodieallday_

The OP would lose her adult privacy

The OP would lose her adult privacyReddit/iwanttodieallday_

This could leave the OP in trouble

This could leave the OP in troubleReddit/iwanttodieallday_

The OP could be kicked out

The OP could be kicked outReddit/iwanttodieallday_

OP's parents might guilt and shame her

OP's parents might guilt and shame herReddit/iwanttodieallday_

A power of attorney is a legal document that enables someone to act as another person's agent to sign documents and carry out business. A power of attorney holder is occasionally referred to as an attorney-in-fact but handing over such a document to a teenager without due explanation isn't just right.

Many redditors adviced the OP not to sign it and she didn't. Drop your thoughts about this story in the comments section below.
