Disney Princesses Reimagined As Modern Women In The 21st Century

Disney tickle you imagination, but they also make you think.
Disney films will always be there to offer some magic and enjoyment when we need it, no matter how difficult life becomes. But they are also there to make us think.
Websites like Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest have been a fantastic place for Disney fans that love sharing interesting things they noticed in their favorite films they grew up watching. From around the world, people share their outlook on Disney movies.
The thing is that they are all pretty great observations that we hadn’t thought about. Disney films typically evoke fond memories of our childhood and the relaxing afternoons we spent with our loved ones.
As we become older, our viewpoint shifts, and we reassess various aspects of our life and knowledge about the world. However, when it comes to the elements that form the cornerstones of our youth, we frequently are unaware that we are viewing the world through rose-colored glasses.
In order to provide you with a fresh perspective on Disney movies, we have compiled the list of the most surprising and outlandish ideas that people have had about them, perhaps while contemplating them in the shower.
Scroll down for 18 posts about Disney that make us rethink all those movies.
There is no doubt that Disney movies inspire people. But sometimes they inspire some pretty dar theories.
Many dark movie theories concerning Disney films are circulating online. Although they're fascinating, you should proceed at your own risk because they might derail your favorite movies.
That being said, one fan idea, which many of you may have already heard, is that "Aladdin" takes place in a post-apocalyptic future, according to Digital Spy. All because the genie said that he had been imprisoned in his lamp for 10,000 years and referenced fashion from the third century.
If so, what specifically happened to humanity that caused such a radical shift? Another slightly unsettling idea is the notion that since no humans are present in The Lion King, the movie might be set in any time period, such as the far future where humans have vanished.
Yes, Disney movies really inspire people...
The thing about Disney is that it takes us into fictional worlds, tickling our imagination. And that is all it needs.
Once set loose, our imagination can do wonders. And these movies are not only for imaginative people, they are also great for people driven by logic.
They can find many hidden messages and different connections between characters and events. So, how can you not love Disney?