30 Trans People Tweet Heartwarming Stories Of People Reacting To Them Coming Out

We hear so many negative stories when people 'come out' so it's pretty incredible to hear about the positive side <3

30 Trans People Tweet Heartwarming Stories Of People Reacting To Them Coming Out

If you're even remotely switched on as to what is happening in the world right now, you would know that the life of most trans-people is not easy.

For many American trans-people, they're rejected by their families and fall quickly into the illegal sex-worker trade. While this is not the case for all transgender individuals, it is heart-wrenchingly common, and it is seldom that we hear positive stories about trans-acceptance.

Recently, Mel Stone, a musician, posted on Twitter about how her day was absolutely made by a take-out guy being kind and sensitive about her transition. Basically, she was treated like a human-being, which should be standard, but unfortunately isn't always the case.

Mel's story prompted many other trans-people to share their heartwarming trans-acceptance stories.

There really still is some good left in the world. Check all the stories out below.

"It's so lovely to finally meet you."


Steak and cheese girl!

Steak and cheese girl! filmbuffdiane

Lego or a dress?

Lego or a dress?Katvrouw

High school friends can honestly be life's greatest blessings.

High school friends can honestly be life's greatest blessings. guttpup

It's me!

It's me! czthemeans

A nun!

A nun! a_poods

I've been getting your name wrong!

I've been getting your name wrong! OMGButterbee

They were all happy!!! :)

They were all happy!!! :) PaigeJustLurks

The world needs more of this!

The world needs more of this! lilac_sanders

This is what going home should feel like!

This is what going home should feel like! FattyCrabkkakes

It's the quiet ones that surprise us sometimes.

It's the quiet ones that surprise us sometimes. trainerchris150

This is awesome to still get recognition for your older works.

This is awesome to still get recognition for your older works. StripeyCaptain

"So handsome!"


"Is that your true self?"


This is what it means to look out for people.

This is what it means to look out for people. jericmason

Grandma was just worried.

Grandma was just worried. JaredNotJerrad

"You look better." - LOVE IT!


Casual. Love it.

Casual. Love it. bbmathlvr

Business as usual!

Business as usual! sequethin


'sister-in-crime' celechii

"I only got contacts..."


That's how you do it!

That's how you do it! Cup0fAmbition

Handsome young man!

Handsome young man! JameJame96

The usual?

The usual?sunkissednymph

Pretty damn proud!

Pretty damn proud! mstbluee

They both cried!

They both cried! benalexl

Very cool.

Very cool. suchipi

Campus den cashier for the win!

Campus den cashier for the win! LJ_Gato

Relaxed is the best way to do it.

Relaxed is the best way to do it. cal_tove

Ok... anything else?

Ok... anything else?violet_jones26