Woman Who Grew Up Poor Shares The Reasons That Many Poor Families Depend On Junk Food

Having healthy options at the dinner table is a privilege many people do not realise they have.

Woman Who Grew Up Poor Shares The Reasons That Many Poor Families Depend On Junk Food

Many of us are well aware of Jamie Oliver. He is the English celebrity chef who transformed the options at the school cafeteria and spends his time preaching about how easy and simple it is to eat healthy food.

He forgot to add the addendum that many poor people are aware of. The fact that it is easy and simple to eat healthy food if you can afford to and have time to cook.

This is not a privilege that all of us have, and the rhetoric he spouts, without acknowledging the very real economic factors that play into people's lifestyles means that healthy is not the cheap easy thing he claims.

The thread begins by acknowledging that Jamie Oliver was campaigning to add a "sugar tax" to foods, making unhealthy foods more expensive.h

The thread begins by acknowledging that Jamie Oliver was campaigning to add a sibylpain on Twitter

But she began to share her own experience with growing up poor...

But she began to share her own experience with growing up poor...sibylpain on Twitter

Explaining that not all families have the time or experience to prioritise healthy eating.

Explaining that not all families have the time or experience to prioritise healthy eating.sibylpain on Twitter

Being "time poor" as well as "money poor" means that you cannot spend hours cooking each day... you have bigger things to worry about.

Being sibylpain on Twitter

Fruit and veg can be expensive. Not to mention it goes off really quickly if it is not eaten.

Fruit and veg can be expensive. Not to mention it goes off really quickly if it is not eaten.sibylpain on Twitter

Some people just have bigger, and more valid priorities than Jamie Oliver does.

sibylpain on Twitter

Meanwhile, Jamie Oliver whips out his mortar and pestle and bangs on about how easy everything is!!

sibylpain on Twitter

Cooking is HARD work.

Cooking is HARD work.sibylpain on Twitter

Claiming that it's easy to eat well is good in theory, but life doesn't always work that way.

sibylpain on Twitter

Unhealthier foods often tend to be quick and easy.

Unhealthier foods often tend to be quick and easy.sibylpain on Twitter

Raising the price on food will not mean people will eat healthier. It will mean that they do not eat.

Raising the price on food will not mean people will eat healthier. It will mean that they do not eat.sibylpain on Twitter

There are so many things that can be done that will ACTUALLY make a positive difference in people's lives.

There are so many things that can be done that will ACTUALLY make a positive difference in people's lives.sibylpain on Twitter

Taxing unhealthy food will do nothing but add more stress onto people who are already stressed.

Taxing unhealthy food will do nothing but add more stress onto people who are already stressed.sibylpain on Twitter

Stop! Blaming! Poor! People! And! Help! Them! Instead!

Stop! Blaming! Poor! People! And! Help! Them! Instead!sibylpain on Twitter

Also no one told Jamie Oliver to do some cultural sensitivity training? Or just... not be a rude person??

Also no one told Jamie Oliver to do some cultural sensitivity training? Or just... not be a rude person??UrbanNathalia on Twitter

Kids eating is more important than kids eating healthy.

Kids eating is more important than kids eating healthy.NarahSarah on Twitter

Judging does nothing but further stigmatise the poor.

Judging does nothing but further stigmatise the poor.NarahSarah on Twitter

OOP. Watch out Jamie....

OOP. Watch out Jamie....teaforpterosaur on Twitter

Besides, of all the foods, I do not think pizza is the worst?

Besides, of all the foods, I do not think pizza is the worst?NotTimorous on Twitter


!!! teaforpterosaur on Twitter

Thanks Jamie for ruining my school dinners and hating poor people xx

Thanks Jamie for ruining my school dinners and hating poor people xxpraxxxxxis on Twitter

People should be able to access healthy food... so why not lower the price on it, instead?
