50 Pokémon Drawings That Show What They Would Look Like As Humans

Have you ever imagined Snorlax as a person?

50 Pokémon Drawings That Show What They Would Look Like As Humans

If there is one game that still remains popular today despite the many decades that already passed, it's definitely Pokémon. The game was developed by Game Freak and then launched by Nintendo in 1996, bringing Pokémon Green and Red out into the world to play on the Game Boy console.

These two first installments reached the American mainstream a little later in 1998, but over the past two decades, the Green, Red, and Blue versions of the game have sold a total of over 31 million units, just as of December 2020. This would lead us to wonder, what is it in Pokémon games that still leaves people obsessing over it, even if it's just the same formula, storylines, and themes being reused with minor tweaks?

Alongside the popularity of anime shows, Pokemon has definitely cemented its reputation as a game, and show that will truly live on to the next generations to come. This franchise mainly appeals to children under the age of 10, but with the cultural impact it had over the last three decades, as well as the production of Pokémon Go in 2016, it still remains one of the things that adults still get themselves obsessed with (and not just the hardcore nerds!).

That being said, with the kind of influence and popularity that Pokémon holds, many creatives have been inspired to draw certain takes on the character's looks. Among the popular works are the Pokémon themselves being turned into human versions—and while that may sound somewhat creepy at first, you would definitely be surprised and enlightened on how these artists translate the characters to life really well!

One of those excellent artists is Tamtadi, a Korean creative that is on a mission to personify every single Pokémon. Take a look at 50 of his drawings below that are a part of the original Pokémon Indigo League generation that has 151 characters.

#1 Charizard

#1 CharizardTamtamdi

#2 Blastoise

#2 BlastoiseTamtamdi

#3 Venusaur

#3 VenusaurTamtamdi

#4 Pikachu

#4 PikachuTamtamdi

#5 Squirtle

#5 SquirtleTamtamdi

#6 Bulbasaur

#6 BulbasaurTamtamdi

#7 Charmander

#7 CharmanderTamtamdi

#8 Moltres

#8 MoltresTamtamdi

#9 Articuno

#9 ArticunoTamtamdi

#10 Zapdos

#10 ZapdosTamtamdi

#11 Eevee

#11 EeveeTamtamdi

#12 Vaporeon

#12 VaporeonTamtamdi

#13 Jolteon

#13 JolteonTamtamdi

#14 Flareon

#14 FlareonTamtamdi

#15 Mew

#15 MewTamtamdi

#16 Goldeen

#16 GoldeenTamtamdi

#17 Meowth

#17 MeowthTamtamdi

#18 Tentacruel

#18 TentacruelTamtamdi

#19 Parasect

#19 ParasectTamtamdi

#20 Ponyta

#20 PonytaTamtamdi

#21 Rapidash

#21 RapidashTamtamdi

#22 Vulpix

#22 VulpixTamtamdi

#23 Ninetales

#23 NinetalesTamtamdi

#24 Tangela

#24 TangelaTamtamdi

#25 Onix

#25 OnixTamtamdi

#26 Arbok

#26 ArbokTamtamdi

#27 Snorlax

#27 SnorlaxTamtamdi

#28 Venomoth

#28 VenomothTamtamdi

#29 Grimer

#29 GrimerTamtamdi

#30 Muk

#30 MukTamtamdi

#31 Weedle

#31 WeedleTamtamdi

#32 Beedrill

#32 BeedrillTamtamdi

#33 Golbat

#33 GolbatTamtamdi

#34 Primeape

#34 PrimeapeTamtamdi

#35 Growlithe

#35 GrowlitheTamtamdi

#36 Arcanine

#36 ArcanineTamtamdi

#37 Seadra

#37 SeadraTamtamdi

#38 Psyduck

#38 PsyduckTamtamdi

#39 Cubone

#39 CuboneTamtamdi

#40 Tauros

#40 TaurosTamtamdi

#41 Rattata

#41 RattataTamtamdi

#42 Oddish

#42 OddishTamtamdi

#43 Vileplume

#43 VileplumeTamtamdi

#44 Jigglypuff

#44 JigglypuffTamtamdi

#45 Wigglytuff

#45 WigglytuffTamtamdi

#46 Wartortle

#46 WartortleTamtamdi

#47 Raichu

#47 RaichuTamtamdi

#48 Sandslash

#48 SandslashTamtamdi

#49 Chansey

#49 ChanseyTamtamdi

#50 Mr. Mime

#50 Mr. MimeTamtamdi

Looking back, it's truly remarkable to think of the people and communities that the world of Pokémon has united because it still remains the one thing that many people across the world still agree over. The fun of catching Pokémon, whether it may be just on screen, is still one of the best and most nostalgic experiences that any Pokémon fan would gladly relive over and over.

Nothing truly beats the feeling of catching 'em all. Which Pokémon is your favorite?

Comment down your thoughts, or share these drawings for all your family and friends to see!
