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If you're a Pokémon fan, then this is right up your alley.
Pokémon is a franchise that has been around for over 20 years, and there are now over 800 different characters. In the past few decades, Pokémon has evolved from pixelated sprites to fully-rendered 3D models.
The evolution of the Pokémon universe mirrors the rise in popularity of digital art as a medium, so it's no surprise that talented artists have taken their pencils to tablets and created some amazing digital paintings of iconic characters in the animated series. Japanese artist, Kawano Chihaya, is a self-professed "Pokémon lover" who has been drawing for as long as he can remember, and his love for the series shines through in each one of his beautiful digital paintings.
Kawano has been sharing some of his Pokémon-inspired artwork on DeviantArt since 2015, and it didn't take long before the images went viral across social media platforms worldwide. If you love Kawano Chihaya's work as much as we do, be sure to check out other exciting digital artworks on his page.