Pictures Show The Full Extent Of Some People's Entitlement And What Is Wrong With People

These show people at their absolute worst.

  • Published in Funny
Pictures Show The Full Extent Of Some People's Entitlement And What Is Wrong With People

Sometimes it feels dramatic to say that humanity is failing, and we are all doomed. Then you see things like this. One of the biggest problems these days, is that people are just so damn entitled all the time. They seem to think they deserve everything, all the time, whenever they want it.

And, it just isn’t true. Contrary to what some people think, the world does not revolve around them, they do not get to use a seat for their bag on a commuter train and they don’t deserve to demand anything.

Scroll on for some of the worst cases of people thinking their needs, wants and whims are more important than everyone else. 

Fun fact: if you have an expensive car, road rules don't apply!

Fun fact: if you have an expensive car, road rules don't apply!via Ruin My Week

Okay but depends how far into the relationship, surely?

Okay but depends how far into the relationship, surely?via Ruin My Week

Public transport shows the worst forms of entitlement honestly.

Public transport shows the worst forms of entitlement honestly.via Ruin My Week

Unless there is a screaming child there too, in which case, get them to the front so they can get out!

Unless there is a screaming child there too, in which case, get them to the front so they can get out!via Ruin My Week

Android vs iPhone hate runs deep

Android vs iPhone hate runs deepvia Ruin My Week

Honestly surprised they didn't send their maid out instead...

Honestly surprised they didn't send their maid out instead...via Ruin My Week

People! Stealing! Food! Suck!

People! Stealing! Food! Suck!via Ruin My Week

Just no.

Just no.via Ruin My Week

Contrary to popular belief, the customer is not always right.

Contrary to popular belief, the customer is not always right.via Ruin My Week

Manners are important

Manners are importantvia Ruin My Week

Block & delete

Block & deletevia Ruin My Week

Facebook marketplace removes all civility from people.

Facebook marketplace removes all civility from people.via Ruin My Week

You could ask... politely...

You could ask... politely...via Ruin My Week

Why are some people such brats

Why are some people such bratsvia Ruin My Week

This is a crime against bread

This is a crime against breadvia Ruin My Week



Definitely a mistake

Definitely a mistakevia Ruin My Week

Yeah call the cops...

Yeah call the cops...via Ruin My Week


Eyeroll....via Ruin My Week

These kind of people are the worst

These kind of people are the worstvia Ruin My Week

These are not difficult to use correctly.

These are not difficult to use correctly.via Ruin My Week

"very serious"

via Ruin My Week

Humanity is dead.

Humanity is dead.via Ruin My Week