Owners Share Photos Of Their Cats Being Amusingly Crazy

Because us hoomans love them photos of derpy cats.

  • Published in Animals
Owners Share Photos Of Their Cats Being Amusingly Crazy

Our feline friends may be graceful and elegant on some days. But on the other days?

They can be total nutjobs too. A lot of times, when the hooman is looking away, the cat will derpily play! Fortunately for us pet lovers, the derpiness of cats can give us unlimited laughs and entertainment.

An easy source of those is the subreddit r/AnimalsBeingDerps. The community of a whopping 3.6 million members is dedicated to posting images and videos of animals "being total idiots".

And if you think you've seen the craziest and most hilarious pictures of cats, think again! Today, we'll take a look at 40 photos of our sometimes-elegant-other-times-silly feline overlords.

1. Failed at being a ninja.

1. Failed at being a ninja.SanthoshPSK

2. You ok?

2. You ok?ahdeedahz

3. The lookout kitties.

3. The lookout kitties.KingBecks123

4. Lightning speed!

4. Lightning speed!rogercgomes

5. Mlem

5. MlemBC-YN

6. "What am I living for?"

6. nnylannaira

7. Help me!

7. Help me!CYBERSson

8. This cat loves the fire.

8. This cat loves the fire.WaddlingKereru

9. When learning how to be a cat is a slow process.

9. When learning how to be a cat is a slow process.Maahee_2

10. Stunt cat.

10. Stunt cat.purplesheep19

11. It's mine if I lick it!

11. It's mine if I lick it!BoopBoop20

12. Meet Crazy Eyes Olive. Yep, that's her name.

12. Meet Crazy Eyes Olive. Yep, that's her name.Slow-moving-sloth

13. Scared of the bird.

13. Scared of the bird.airbud3000

14. These guys think that it's most interesting lamp in the world!

14. These guys think that it's most interesting lamp in the world!Azrayle

15. Derpily beautiful.

15. Derpily beautiful.dphnlsrs

16. Not a goblin (though it sits like one).

16. Not a goblin (though it sits like one).WhosDonny

17. Please be at home on a Caturday to receive your derp package.

17. Please be at home on a Caturday to receive your derp package.JohnNova85

18. This cat didn't want to play with anything. And then this string comes out.

18. This cat didn't want to play with anything. And then this string comes out.RyanPepsiPeach

19. Hello?

19. Hello?raijin90

20. Your middle school buddies that your parents told you to stay away from.

20. Your middle school buddies that your parents told you to stay away from.Boojibs

21. Magic!

21. Magic!ToshaSalad69

22. Can venom donation.

22. Can venom donation.pasjojo

23. Just slacking off.

23. Just slacking off.br3a1

24. A new parent who has not gotten enough sleep.

24. A new parent who has not gotten enough sleep.Arguablecoyote

25. Beautiful eyes that has seen things.

25. Beautiful eyes that has seen things.addanow

26. In silence, this derp observes...

26. In silence, this derp observes...Louis83

27. Curious Catto.

27. Curious Catto.-Tigger

28. I know you like it, but it's not for you!

28. I know you like it, but it's not for you!atomic-love

29. Nippin' hard.

29. Nippin' hard.inescdfernandes

30. This cat sat still for about 15 minutes in the middle of grooming. His owner had to answer the door.

30. This cat sat still for about 15 minutes in the middle of grooming. His owner had to answer the door.StrangR_2U

31. With only one eye, this cat thinks he's hidden.

31. With only one eye, this cat thinks he's hidden.Faiiven

32. His preferred sleeping position.

32. His preferred sleeping position.valdelaseras

33. Killer expression.

33. Killer expression.raijin90

34. Water cat.

34. Water cat.Bonboniru

35. The box guardian as awakened!

35. The box guardian as awakened!NOS4A2U

36. Five minutes of hilarity ensues when the owner caught this cat sneezing and stretching at the same time on camera.

36. Five minutes of hilarity ensues when the owner caught this cat sneezing and stretching at the same time on camera.Saint__Bartholomew

37. The pic speaks for itself.

37. The pic speaks for itself.bigmenpogs

38. I'm innocent!

38. I'm innocent!pinknebu7a

39. This cat thought that his new bowl is his new seat. He sat in it, with water...

39. This cat thought that his new bowl is his new seat. He sat in it, with water...AWU_Hades

40. Being a statue for five minutes.

40. Being a statue for five minutes.leanneq84