Petty Guy Eats Hellishly Spicy Food His BF's Dad Prepared For Him Out Of Spite, Ruins The Rest Of The Trip
"Play shitty games, win shitty prizes."

If tolerating hellishly spicy food won the affection of future parents-in-law, then a 41-year-old Redditor would be the most loved son-in-law. Unfortunately, his petty response to a childish challenge brought nothing but pain and a ruined vacation to OP.
OP and his boyfriend were in Morocco to visit the latter's parents. This was OP's second time meeting his future in-laws.
He was aware that they disapproved of him. His boyfriend's parents were wealthy government workers who thought their son was too good for OP.
OP was offended by the assumption that he was a gold-digger as he was independently wealthy himself. Despite their opinions of each other, OP was determined to have a great time with his boyfriend during their trip.
His goal proved too ambitious because things went downhill during a dinner at his boyfriend's family home. Their dinner was cooked by the family's private chef.
OP noticed his dish looked paler and didn't smell as aromatic as the others. His boyfriend's father said that he instructed the chef to set aside a serving for OP before she incorporated spices.
His boyfriend told his dad that OP could eat the same dish everyone else was served. His future father-in-law grabbed OP's bowl, brought it to the kitchen, and returned with a dish a shade darker than everyone else's.
OP had a bite. The food was incredibly spicy and it also tasted awful.

OP's boyfriend saw his reaction and argued with his father. He also told OP to stop eating, but he refused to listen. OP ate a bowl of the atrocity.

He almost had an asthma attack while he was busy sweating every ounce of moisture out of his body. Nevertheless, he persevered.

The next three days were agony. His boyfriend scolded him for acting as childishly as his father did. The rest of their vacation was ruined, but OP doesn't think he did anything wrong.

His boyfriend may forgive OP, but his bum never will.

Redditors wondered if OP wasn't singled out by his boyfriend's father because they didn't approve of his sexuality and relationship with their son.

OP said his boyfriend insisted on swapping plates with him, but he was too spiteful to listen.

No matter whose fault the odd competition was, OP should still apologize to his boyfriend.

OP also needs to learn how to walk away from a no-win situation.

One thing is sure, OP's flight home will be a long and painful one.

OP should rethink if he wants to be this person in his boyfriend's life.

OP could have eaten an entire vat of the inedible hellfire his father-in-law concocted and it wouldn't have improved their opinion of him.

Unfortunately, real life is messy. In OP's case, way messier.

OP was bothered that so many Redditors compared him to his boyfriend's father. He accepted their judgment and said he would apologize to his boyfriend.

He also said his boyfriend's parents weren't homophobic, they just didn't like him for their son. His father-in-law also refused to apologize to OP. He said he did make the dish, but he didn't force OP to eat it.

The probability that OP's relationship with his boyfriend's parents will improve in the near future is slim to none. The latest incident was not exactly the bridge they were looking for.
OP did the right thing when he apologized to his boyfriend for acting like a stubborn child. He should remember how he suffered after that dinner every time he felt like rising to his father-in-law's petty challenges.
