30 Examples Of Petty Revenge Launched By Homeowners Against Their Annoying Neighbors
One thing we learned is you shouldn't mess with grandmas and grandpas
- Published in Interesting
When moving into a new place, one thing a lot of people overlook is their soon-to-be neighbors. It may sound like it's inconsequential, but neighborly relationships are just as important as the quality of schools in the area.
No matter how great the place is, if you can't get along with your neighbor for whatever reason, you won't have a pleasant experience in your home. Although of course, we really can't choose our neighbors can we?
It's all about the luck of the draw and you have to live with the neighbors you're dealt with. However, there are neighbors that you can't overlook because they are just that disruptive and annoying.
In this case, you can talk to them and ask them nicely to tone it down or stop the annoying thing they're doing and hope for the best. If your neighbors can't be plied with this kind of courtesy, then you can gently encourage them to modify their behavior.
How can one accomplish this you ask? Well, there are a lot of ways or should we say petty ways to fight your annoying neighbor's bad habits.
These petty yet lawful ways were the highlight of a Reddit discussion. One curious redditor asked others how they dealt with their own nemesis and we were not disappointed by their answers.
Here was the question posted by u/Robwaudby:
Robwaudby1. You have to fight fire with fire and sometimes fight rock with heavy metal
4bangeranger2. A new painting medium was discovered that day
CrabPplCrabPpl3. Having a nosy neighbor can come with perks, this time in the form of a shiny, new fence
robothouserock4. Do not mess with old people because they are wise and can kick your ass with gardening
almost_a_person5. This was a trick they weren't expecting that Halloween
Lentra8886. She had the audacity to be pissed?
suburbansociopath7. Straight from the colonizers' playbook: use religion
eatglasslickrust8. That's a permanent way to deal with it
kutuup19899. Express delivery
Kurtandcourtney10. Lots of good memories in that blue house but not for the neighbor
Stokbakko11. Someone else commented they should have let the trampoline do its job and return the items to the sender
Pink-grey24 Pink-grey2412. See? Now YOU have to move your house
lovetolearn4ever13. It was well-deserved
nkhasselriis14. Oxo cubes are bouillon cubes; we bet their dog had the best day ever
Caffinejunkie9 Caffinejunkie915. Nobody likes a mash-y lawn
MurderDoneRight16. Nobody liked this guy and for a good reason
DarkyHelmety DarkyHelmety17. That's not the kind of shower you want
lonedandelion lonedandelion18. The rich brats needed a rude awakening
TGMcGonigle TGMcGonigle19. Good job, Boulder
Prestigious-Yoghurt320. Kids really have a wild imagination
AlaskanBiologist21. The best use of a classified ad
hank-_-the-_-tank22. Turn off your damn light
hippybiker23. The best solution is the best one
mjiolnor24. Act stupid and presto, no more annoying neighbor
Wind_Yer_Neck_In Wind_Yer_Neck_In25. Nature doing what nature does
23Tam5626. After a few thousand bucks on fines, they finally learned their lesson
shaidyn27. When they're loud, get louder
gimme3strokes28. You can't mow the lawn if your lawn mower is "chained"
mdw82529. Porn noises would change the mood of the party quickly
druff103630. Kaleidoscope sh*t
RandoBoomer RandoBoomerPlease, don't be an annoying neighbor because these things will happen to you. Sooner or later, you'll find someone who's petty enough to plot revenge against you and it won't be pretty.
It doesn't take much to be considerate of other people, does it? It's always best to ask yourself, "If my neighbor did this, would I be pissed? " If the answer is yes, don't do it; it's that simple!