40 Pets With Awesome Halloween Costumes

Pets make Halloween even better.

40 Pets With Awesome Halloween Costumes

We love Halloween. Dressing up in scary costumes, happy children everywhere, waiting to see what kind of monsters will appear on your doorstep next. It's great fun for the entire family. And pets are family too, so we don't want to exclude them.

We often dress them up too, and they couldn't be happier or cuter. To be honest, our pets like it because they see how delighted we are, so they are happy because we are happy.

Over the years, these pet costumes became more complex, and now some of them could easily be described as scary and adorable works of art. Proud pet owners often share their photos online, and we have compiled a list with some of the best pet Halloween costumes. We know you are going to like them.

But keep in mind that there is a different side to this story. The pets in our photos are happy, but not all animals enjoy this mascaraed. PETA UK, for instance, advises people against dressing up their pets in costumes

You should never force your pet to wear a costume if it bothers it. RSPCA says that our pets use delicate body language to communicate with other animals.

When you dress your pet up and cover their body parts, it can make them feel uncomfortable. Avoid costumes that restrict an animal’s range of motion, obscure their vision, or block their mouth.


1. "No Covid Puts Baby In A Corner. My 2020 Halloween Costume With My Dog"

1. Atxflyguy83

2. Maleficent

2. MaleficentPettyWitch

3. "Working On Our Halloween Costume. Just Need To Work On Wearing Our Glasses"

3. laheyjm30

4. "This Is Our Foster, Butter, Being Himself For Halloween"

4. bmill1

5. "My Halloween Costume Ft. My Pug, Chuck"

5. TheLittleWinner2

6. Cerberus

6. CerberusMySockHurts

7. Belle And The Beast

7. Belle And The Beastbrittandbean.com

8. "What We Mew In The Shadows"

8. CatCosplay

9. What’s your favorite?

9. What’s your favorite?oliverthegoldendoodle

10. "A Little Late, But Here’s My Little Chewbacca And My Girlfriend For Halloween"

10. bl240

11. "My Dog Is A Beanie Baby For Halloween"

11. hiiSUNWOO

12. "Halloween Costume Is Ready To Go"

12. crispycreature_

13. "My Roommate Did This With My Cat While I Was Out Buying Candy"

13. Impetris

14. Wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley.

14. Wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley.remstagram14

15. Samwise Gamgee

15. Samwise GamgeeCatCosplay

16. The Empire strikes back

16. The Empire strikes backvicman61289

17. "People Don't Come To See The Tigers, They Come To See Me" - Joe Exotic

17. nudacris_the_sphynx

18. Hairy Pawter

18. Hairy PawterTheOreoCat

19. "She Appreciates Tricks, But She Definitely Prefers Treats"

19. Slippy_T_Frog

20. Cinderella

20. Cinderellafionakmu

21. Wilderness Explorer

21. Wilderness Explorerdog_rates

22. Clowns are scary, right?

22. Clowns are scary, right?The--Fonz

23. "Boof Is An Uruk-Hai For Hallowe’en This Year"

23. Fafaa

24. "Leeloo Dallas Multipass"

24. Iggybea

25. "This Ebony Bird Beguiling My Sad Fancy Into Smiling..."

25. Natasha Daniels

26. " Put A Spell On You And Now You're Mine!"

26. 2husketeers

27. "I’m A Very Spooky Ghost"

27. pugloulou

28. "When Black Cats Prowl And Pumpkins Gleam, May Luck Be Yours On Halloween"

28. britalinnea

29. "Oreo As 2020’s Most Fitting Meme"

29. suhwhat

30. Scary shark

30. Scary sharkqueensloth99

31. Little bats

31. Little batspbj831

Pets give out some obvious signals that they're distressed – they are shaking, crouching, or trying to get rid of the costume. But there are also some subtle indications – dogs are tuck their tails, and cats flick their tails. If you see them doing this, it's time to take the costume off.

32. "It’s My Dog’s Birthday Today. Here She Is Dressed Up As Dobby For Halloween"

32. Rag3ina

33. "My Dog Summarized 2020"

33. Sheaf

34. "Finley The Pooh"

34. GoldretrieverUS

35. "A Froot Loops? Heck You Karen"

35. goldenbenjamin

36. "My Tortoise Halloween Costume For 2020"

36. thuja-plicata

37. "Tripod"

37. EngelJuan

PETA UK's Director, Elisa Allen, had this to say to people who dress up their pets for Halloween: "Dress up yourself, but please leave animals out of it.

They feel uncomfortable, confused, and stressed when they're forced into costumes, and we've even heard of dogs and cats choking or running away, never to be seen again."

"PETA strongly cautions that costumes with tight rubber bands can cut off circulation and that long or trailing parts can get caught on objects—with potentially disastrous consequences—making Halloween night feel like a trick, not a treat." You can check out PETA UK's advice on how to keep your pets safe at Halloween.

38. Spider

38. Spideramazon.com

39. "Frankenweenie"

39. thehorrorgallery

40. "Copper Is A Free Dog"

40. Lemurnuts