Woman Takes Pet Cat To The Vet Because Of An Emergency, Gets Called Incredibly Selfish For Not Asking Her Partner Before Doing So

"I called my family because I needed to vent a bit, and they told me I'm incredibly selfish for making decisions without telling my partner."

Woman Takes Pet Cat To The Vet Because Of An Emergency, Gets Called Incredibly Selfish For Not Asking Her Partner Before Doing So

Anyone who has had a pet or who still has pets know how traumatizing it is to experience medical emergencies and scramble to go to the nearest vet as fast as they can, no matter what time of the day it is.

We just love our companion animals and it is truly heartbreaking to see them suffer from something that's sometimes unknown to us, so it's pretty understandable that the first thing we would decide to do is to take them to the nearest professional care available, right?

Well, apparently, that doesn't sit right with some people, because according to them, you have to inform your partner first before doing such important decisions. And by "them," we mean the family of this certain Reddit user who vented on the AITA sub-community for "taking my cat to the vet without telling my partner first."

When we are in the middle of an emergency, we aren't exactly thinking clearly about things, and rushing to get help would always be at the top of our list, no matter what. Who would want to wait for someone to pick up a call when someone's (or an animal's) life is literally on the line?

Take a look at OP's dilemma and the comments that followed...

A Reddit user by the handle u/tangiblecabbage shared her dilemma on the AITA Reddit sub-community, asking if she was in the wrong for bringing her cat to the vet without telling her partner first.

A Reddit user by the handle u/tangiblecabbage shared her dilemma on the AITA Reddit sub-community, asking if she was in the wrong for bringing her cat to the vet without telling her partner first.Reddit

Her cat was vomiting blood and its mouth was already foaming so she decided to take the poor feline to the vet instantly.

Her cat was vomiting blood and its mouth was already foaming so she decided to take the poor feline to the vet instantly.Reddit

Apparently, the cat must have eaten something strange and OP had no idea why she was vomiting and spitting out blood. She did try to call her partner but she was unable to reach him because he was in a meeting.

Apparently, the cat must have eaten something strange and OP had no idea why she was vomiting and spitting out blood. She did try to call her partner but she was unable to reach him because he was in a meeting.Reddit

And so the cat underwent surgery, because it seemed like the condition was already critical. However, when OP called her family to vent, she was met with an incredulous accusation that she was "selfish" for making decisions alone.

And so the cat underwent surgery, because it seemed like the condition was already critical. However, when OP called her family to vent, she was met with an incredulous accusation that she was Reddit

Now, she's asking the community if she was indeed TA in the whole thing.

Now, she's asking the community if she was indeed TA in the whole thing.Reddit

A few updates from OP before we get into the comments:

A few updates from OP before we get into the comments:Reddit

The cat ate a wire, but they are still unaware where it came from.

The cat ate a wire, but they are still unaware where it came from.Reddit

It seems like the feline's fine now, fortunately!

It seems like the feline's fine now, fortunately!Reddit

Well, that just sucks.

Well, that just sucks.Reddit

Anyway, her partner had no problems with her bringing the cat to the vet so all was good between them.

Anyway, her partner had no problems with her bringing the cat to the vet so all was good between them.Reddit

Here's what the people of Reddit have to say:

Here's what the people of Reddit have to say:Reddit

Aaand here goes the sarcastic comments!

Aaand here goes the sarcastic comments!Reddit

It was a life or death situation already.

It was a life or death situation already.Reddit

True, though.

True, though.Reddit

It's an emergency, isn't that reason enough?

It's an emergency, isn't that reason enough?Reddit

So many checks right here.

So many checks right here.Reddit

There was nothing wrong with what OP did, honestly.

There was nothing wrong with what OP did, honestly.Reddit

Yep, certainly not their business.

Yep, certainly not their business.Reddit

Pets > money always.

Pets > money always.Reddit

Because they think too much of themselves, maybe?

Because they think too much of themselves, maybe?Reddit



We all hope.

We all hope.Reddit

We hope her family gets to understand this, too!

We hope her family gets to understand this, too!Reddit

Have you ever been in a similar situation? Or what would you do if you were in OP's place?

We are sure thankful that the feline seems to be okay after all of this, but hey, it seems like OP's family also needs some reality check, right? Kidding (but not really)!

Comment down your thoughts, or share this article for all your family and friends to see!
