Karma Hits This Mother Who Abandoned Her Daughter When She Got Cancer

Parents are suppose to love us and shelter us selflessly but sometimes a few parents fail to do so.

Karma Hits This Mother Who Abandoned Her Daughter When She Got Cancer

Abandoning their kid is a global issue that all countries face. Millions of children are left or put up for adoption each year or put in orphanages because either the parent has died or cannot take care of them anymore.

Parents abandoning their kids can cause psychological damage to the child if not properly cared for. Leaving one's own child is considered to be one of the most immoral things you can do.

It is against human rights conventions to abandon your child, although there are no specific provisions in any convention prohibiting it. It is a common thought that if a parent leaves their child, they are unwanted.

This is false because most of the time, parents abandon their kids because they cannot afford to take care of them, or they die. A child can also be left if their parents are too young and do not know how to take care of them properly.

The amount of psychological problems that a child can get from being abandoned is very little compared to the amount of psychological issues that a child with no parents has. The children who are most at risk of developing psychological problems usually have a traumatic event happen in their life, along with a lack of attachment from the parent.

A child will feel abandoned and unworthy of love if their mother doesn't want them because they are girls instead of boys, and sometimes when a child develops a disease, the parent cannot look after them. This story is also about a mother who leaves her child when he needs her the most.

No kiddo, its the circle of life! What goes around comes around!

No kiddo, its the circle of life! What goes around comes around!aitanocustody

This lady victimizes her daughter and goes on to play the victim card to gain sympathy from her side of family.

This lady victimizes her daughter and goes on to play the victim card to gain sympathy from her side of family.aitanocustody

Her brothers had the audacity to straight up blame the kid instead of talking to her who is probably half their age.

Her brothers had the audacity to straight up blame the kid instead of talking to her who is probably half their age.aitanocustody

This kid deserves a pat on his back for standing up for herself despite being in a critical condition herself.

This kid deserves a pat on his back for standing up for herself despite being in a critical condition herself. aitanocustody

This act nowhere makes her TA. Honestly there is no explanation needed for just saying the truth.

This act nowhere makes her TA. Honestly there is no explanation needed for just saying the truth.aitanocustody

She is already at her death bed that too without a daughter and now without a family as well.

She is already at her death bed that too without a daughter and now without a family as well. aitanocustody

The truth shall prevail and it always does.

The truth shall prevail and it always does.aitanocustody

Well yeah, she just returned the favor his mom did on her years ago.

Well yeah, she just returned the favor his mom did on her years ago.aitanocustody

Karma never fails to surprise us in the best possible ways. Do bad and wait for it to hit you right in your face.

Karma never fails to surprise us in the best possible ways. Do bad and wait for it to hit you right in your face.aitanocustody

Seems like its the heartless mother's time to die with her truth, that just blew up right before her death.

Seems like its the heartless mother's time to die with her truth, that just blew up right before her death.aitanocustody

Someone's tragic condition is no excuse to their lies especially for personal benefit.

Someone's tragic condition is no excuse to their lies especially for personal benefit.  aitanocustody

Couldn't have agreed more with stoat__king.

Couldn't have agreed more with stoat__king. aitanocustody

Now its your time to ditch her and give her the taste of her own medicine.

Now its your time to ditch her and give her the taste of her own medicine. aitanocustody

All this kid did was tell the truth when she was being blamed for something she never did.

All this kid did was tell the truth when she was being blamed for something she never did. aitanocustody

What she got was the result of her own actions and it was none of the kids fault.

What she got was the result of her own actions and it was none of the kids fault. aitanocustody

The mom actually lied and turned her whole family on the kid and his dad where as the kid just said the truth.

The mom actually lied and turned her whole family on the kid and his dad where as the kid just said the truth. aitanocustody

Apart from the mother, her family is also at fault if they really cared about the kid.

Apart from the mother, her family is also at fault if they really cared about the kid. aitanocustody

Clearly the mom is TA and every other negative word because she gave up her child with illness.

Clearly the mom is TA and every other negative word because she gave up her child with illness.aitanocustody

She is the reason for her condition and she clearly asked for it!

She is the reason for her condition and she clearly asked for it!aitanocustody

If the evil mom thought she could get away with her lie she was wrong because god had his plans.

If the evil mom thought she could get away with her lie she was wrong because god had his plans.aitanocustody

A child's worst nightmare is being away from their parents and her mother purposely put her daughter in that situation.

A child's worst nightmare is being away from their parents and her mother purposely put her daughter in that situation. aitanocustody

Wishing that this act made you feel a lot better and lifted a ricks off your chest.

Wishing that this act made you feel a lot better and lifted a ricks off your chest.aitanocustody

The mother's family contacted the child and right away put various allegations on her so she just said what was true.

The mother's family contacted the child and right away put various allegations on her so she just said what was true.aitanocustody

We wish only the good for her and hope the girl is blessed with loving and caring parents and good health. I hope she stays strong and grows up to be a beautiful and brave woman, and helps other children who have been abandoned.

Share this story with all your loved ones. Let them all know about the responsibilities of a parent and how to face problems with bravery.
