50 "Perfect Fit" Photos Shared By Perfectionists That Are Oddly Satisfying

Could they be more perfect?

50 "Perfect Fit" Photos Shared By Perfectionists That Are Oddly Satisfying

If you love strangely satisfying photos, you're going to adore this subreddit. It's called Perfect Fit.

"We're a subreddit for things that, surprisingly and satisfyingly, fit perfectly into each other," the community describes.

Here, you can find window blinds that cast shadow lines at the same degree as the handrail, cars that merge with trees, perfectly aligned products on the shelves, and so much more. It's perfectionists' paradise.

The online community has more than 893k members, and it is constantly growing. The image library is also growing by the minute. We have selected some of the best images, and we know you are going to find them perfect.

1. "Bought My First Christmas Tree Without Measuring First. Turns Out It Is The Perfect Height For My Apartment"

1. reddit.com

Some people might say that these photos could be described as... kind of boring. Uneventful. The internet is full of jaw-dropping, amazing, one of a kind photos… Who cares about perfectly parked cars?

But, that may be exactly what's appealing, Jessica Gall Myrick, a media psychologist at The Pennsylvania State University, stated.

"Even if you don't consciously realize you're stressed, your body is aware that you're stressed or physiologically aroused. That could drive you toward this type of soothing, interesting content."

2. "Just Some Dam Sexy Work"

2. reddit.com

3. "I Picture I Took Of The London Eye Through The Window On A Boat On The Thames"

3. 1 year ago

4. "Soda Can In Railing"

4. reddit.com

5. Shadow

5. Shadowreddit.com

6. "Bought This Storage Box For Our Seat Cushions Thinking It Was More Than Big Enough, This Is Every Cushion"

6. reddit.com

7. "Poppop Is Super Excited To Share His Box Wrapping Seam"

7. reddit.com

8. "Someone On My Yard Sale Group Bought This Sarcophagus Without Measuring And Found Themselves With A Perfect Fit"

8. reddit.com

9. "My Wife’s Wedding Ring Inside Of Mine"

9. reddit.com

10. "Came Down Early Morning To Make A Coffee In My Kitchen And A Van Has Pulled Up Next Door With Its Vinyls Perfectly Positioned At My Window. Initially, A Small Amount Of Wee Was Involuntarily Expelled"

10. reddit.com

11. "My Window Blinds Cast Lines At The Same Degree As My Handrail"

11. reddit.com

12. "5000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle On My Dining Table. Corner To Corner And Edge To Edge"

12. reddit.com

13. "My Mailman Must Read This Sub"

13. reddit.com

14. Tight fit

14. Tight fitreddit.com

15. "Found In A Local Supermarket"

15. reddit.com

16. "Loading Like This Takes Skill, Vision, And Teamwork In The Moving World. Mad Respect To Those That Take Pride In Their Work"

16. reddit.com

17. "God Has Chosen This Vehicle"

17. reddit.com

18. "Had A Pair Of Prescription Lenses Which Fit Perfectly In My Mask. I Could See All The Fishies Clearly!"

18. reddit.com

19. Weird

19. Weirdreddit.com

20. Great job

20. Great jobreddit.com

21. "Belongs Here I Thought"

21. reddit.com

22. Dragon breath

22. Dragon breathreddit.com

23. "Commentators Wrist/Cuff Completes Dustin Johnson’s Head"

23. reddit.com

24. "My Grandpa Playing A Standup Bass"

24. reddit.com

25. "I Washed My Linens And Rugs, It Took Me A While To Find My Missing Bath Rug"

25. reddit.com

26. "Just Bought A New TV Today, We Were Relieved To Say The Least"

26. reddit.com

27. Happened At Work The Other Day"

27. Happened At Work The Other Dayreddit.com

28. "Let It Snow’ Wrapping Paper"

28. reddit.com

29. "The Sun Fit Perfectly With The Road At A Camping Spot I Go To Every Summer"

29. reddit.com

30. Fits like a glove

30. Fits like a glovereddit.com

31. "He Is Equally As Excited As I Am"

31. reddit.com

32. "Not Sure If This Counts?"

32. reddit.com

33. "I Wasn’t Bready For This One"

33. reddit.com

34. "I Perfectly Fit; I'm 4'11"

34. reddit.com

35. Nice shooting

35. Nice shootingML

36. "Calcifers Mask"

36. reddit.com

37. Nice shoes

37. Nice shoesreddit.com

38. "My Wife Was Wearing The Right Jacket At The Right Time. Pleasanton Ridge, Ca"

38. reddit.com

39. "Some Covid Art I Did"

39. chachisco

40. "What Do You Say About This"

40. reddit.com

41. "Perfectly Aligned"

41. reddit.com

42. "My Eggs Came Out Very Balanced This Morning"

42. reddit.com

43. Car and tree

43. Car and treereddit.com

44. "How This Bath Mat Lines Up With The Tiles"

44. reddit.com

45. "My Curved TV In The Corner Of My Bedroom"

45. reddit.com

46. "Finally, A Hotel That Understands"

46. reddit.com

47. So close

47. So closereddit.com

48. "I Don't Know Does It Fit Here"

48. reddit.com

49. "My Friend In This Rock Wall Nook"

49. reddit.com

50. "I Was Gonna Buy A New Desk......maybe Not Now"

50. reddit.com