Australians Know These Memes Sum Them Up Perfectly

Yeah nah for sure you want to read this if you're Australian.

  • Published in Funny
Australians Know These Memes Sum Them Up Perfectly

With over 24 million residents, Australia manages to be one of the coolest and most unique countries on planet Earth. While you could travel anywhere in this world, there is truly no place quite like the down under. 

Interestingly, despite the fact that quite a few countries in the world speak English (the United States, Canada, Great Britain, for examples) Australia manages to have their very own special way of doing just about everything, the English language included. 

There are some things that just sum up Australia in ways that only your fellow Australians can understand. Culture, food... bloody magpies. We get you. Therefore we know you're going to walk away from these memes today laughing hysterically.

1. Feels so good.

What other choices do you have, though?

1. Feels so good.Twitter

2. Remember Kids!

Only in Australia.

2. Remember Kids!Imgur

3. Man Vs. Kangaroo

Again... only in Australia.

3. Man Vs. KangarooReddit

4. The birth of Australia

It sounds like a meme. It's reality. It's HISTORY.

4. The birth of AustraliaFunny Junk

5. Magpies

Better start running, mate.

5. MagpiesPinterest

6. Varying degrees of Vegemite

How soft, or hard, are you?

6. Varying degrees of VegemiteImgur

7. Never forget

You were basically born bad**s.

7. Never forgetPinterest

8. The greatest phrase in the English language.

Australia is doing it right.

8. The greatest phrase in the English language.Tumblr

9. Dollarydoos

I'd sign that petition, too.

9. DollarydoosTwitter

10. Kangaroos are buff ASF

Is this what Australian nightmares are made of?

10. Kangaroos are buff ASFFunnyJunk

11. In Australia, it's not the spiders you need to be worried about.

It's the birds. Definitely the birds.

11. In Australia, it's not the spiders you need to be worried about.Imgur

12. No barefoot tomfoolery!

Noteworthy, if you're not Australian: a thong isn't what you think it is.

12. No barefoot tomfoolery!FunnyJunk

13. Dignified

Isn't Australia magnificent?

13. DignifiedTwitter

14. A proper map

According to an American, Australia and it's surrounding oceans: death.

14. A proper mapImgur

15. It's almost like the world has more than one timezone?

But also Australia is a fun place.

15. It's almost like the world has more than one timezone?Imgur

16. Macca's

Americans do NOT get it.

16. Macca'sImgur

17. Words are fun

They're even more fun in Australia, though.

17. Words are funImgur

18. Pout

Pout for your Macca's.

18. PoutImgur

19. They grow on you, though.

Even if they're a tad odd at first.

19. They grow on you, though.Imgur

20. What even is Australia?

"The Flaming Ron."

20. What even is Australia?Buzzfeed

21. Boing, Boing!


21. Boing, Boing!Tumblr

22. Put your money where your mouth is.

In Australia, this is expected.

22. Put your money where your mouth is.Twitter

23. Translations

Isn't community a beautiful thing?

23. TranslationsBuzzfeed

24. Breaking News:

Australia is weird.

24. Breaking News:Imgur

25. Two different nations.

Two different horror stories.

25. Two different nations.Twitter

26. Protect the fries!

From those pesky birds.

26. Protect the fries!FunnyJunk

27. ONLY in Australia

Do boomerangs even exist elsewhere?

27. ONLY in AustraliaImgur

28. Magpies

Ruining spring in Australia.

28. MagpiesImgur

29. Shoes are subjective in Australia

Sometimes, in the name of cigarettes, you make do with what you've got.

29. Shoes are subjective in AustraliaImgur

30. Beach day or voting day?

In Australia: both.

30. Beach day or voting day?Twitter

31. Important Lingo

Memorize this list if you're planning on visiting Australia.

31. Important LingoImgur

32. Australian politics:

If you don't know by now, what's offensive in some countries is just another word in Australia.

32. Australian politics:Imgur

33. Enjoy a gaytime with your dad!

And laugh at the confused Americans.

33. Enjoy a gaytime with your dad!Imgur

34. Food gets interesting when any day may be your last

After fighting off the spiders, the lizards, the snakes, and especially the birds you may as well eat whatever the crap this is.

34. Food gets interesting when any day may be your lastMadness Hub

35. And last but certainly not least...

The Australian Coat of Arms.

No other caption necessary.

35. And last but certainly not least...Parliamentary Education Office