27 Times Photographer Took Pictures Of People's Silhouettes At Sunset, And They're Spectacular To See

Behind all these photos are lots of failed attempts

27 Times Photographer Took Pictures Of People's Silhouettes At Sunset, And They're Spectacular To See

It's been a while since the brain behind this photos, Krutik Thakur, began creating the sunset silhouettes and a lot has changed in that time. Krutik began mostly as a virtual artist who would make a piece using a basic silhouette and a sunset.

Later on though, he got bored with it since he wanted to be recognized as a photographer rather than a virtual artist. So, gradually, he began to rely more on natural aspects and less on editing.

This was a smooth transition since he didn't totally give up on editing; instead, he gradually developed his abilities and focused all of his energy on photography to reduce his reliance on software. In the past, Krutik utilized a number of editing techniques, such as photo manipulation, to fix all of the Photoshop errors in his photographs.

He wasn't satisfied with his work despite the fact that he was selling photos and had a rapidly expanding Instagram presence. Then, he made the decision to make some adjustments and set a challenge for himself to refrain from using editing tools except for color grading.

"And that's when real challenges started. I had doubled my efforts with lots of planning, takes, and retakes, waiting for the good sky and sun so I could use props," Krutik said.

The photos you're about to see is a result of failed attempts, so go ahead and enjoy them.

More info: Instagram | krutikkkkkkk.com | Twitter

1. Hold On The Light

Capturing Moon silhouette in single exposure is possible when the Moon rises few minutes after sunset and It happens once a month.
1. Hold On The Lightkrutikkkkkkk

2. Hammered Into The Clouds

2. Hammered Into The Cloudskrutikkkkkkk

3. Wrap Of The Summer

3. Wrap Of The Summerkrutikkkkkkk

4. Cricket With A Sunset

All the images were captured at different time intervals.
This looks simple but actually, lots of planning was involved. From how many frames will be needed to where the sun will be.
4. Cricket With A Sunsetkrutikkkkkkk

5. Light.... Shadow... And... Action

5. Light.... Shadow... And... Actionkrutikkkkkkk

6. Wiped

Saw a thick layer of clouds and a huge gap in between so without wasting time I took the roller out as I was waiting for such a scenario then the sun came out from the clouds and we captured this image.
6. Wipedkrutikkkkkkk

7. Passion Surrounds You With Light

7. Passion Surrounds You With Lightkrutikkkkkkk

8. Removed The Sun From The Clouds With The Help Of A Vacuum Cleaner

Clouds were moving towards the right so I told him to stand still holding it up and the image at the bottom was captured first. When the clouds came towards the sun I captured the second one, and finally the one at the top.
8. Removed The Sun From The Clouds With The Help Of A Vacuum Cleanerkrutikkkkkkk

9. The Football Overhead Kick

9. The Football Overhead Kickkrutikkkkkkk

10. Letting Out The Happiness Curve

10. Letting Out The Happiness Curvekrutikkkkkkk

11. You Can Have It If You Can Dream It

11. You Can Have It If You Can Dream Itkrutikkkkkkk

12. It's Very Possible

12. It's Very Possiblekrutikkkkkkk

13. Gave Support To The Falling Sun

13. Gave Support To The Falling Sunkrutikkkkkkk

14. A gift

14. A giftkrutikkkkkkk

15. Can We Skip To The Moon Part

I have one place in my town which is open from both east and west sides. So a day before the full moon is the only day when I can capture the moon silhouette there.
We went there with a box. First I made the sunset images and when the moon came in a good position I captured the moon frames.
15. Can We Skip To The Moon Partkrutikkkkkkk

16. Conquer Darkness... Lighten Up Life... Illuminate Happiness!

Captured this for the Indian festival "Diwali".
16. Conquer Darkness... Lighten Up Life... Illuminate Happiness!krutikkkkkkk

17. Helping The Sun To Grow

I decided to count this into my challenging work list because normally one has to move sideways to take the image but for this one, I had to move the model backward to get bigger the impression of a bigger sun and make it look like it's growing.
I captured the first image and moved a little bit backward before making the second one. The image of the first frame was made to make me remember the distance between the model and the sun before I made the second image... It was the same process for the third one as well.
17. Helping The Sun To Growkrutikkkkkkk

18. Light In The Darkness

18. Light In The Darknesskrutikkkkkkk

19. Let Light Shine Out Of The Darkness

19. Let Light Shine Out Of The Darknesskrutikkkkkkk

20. Trap It

20. Trap Itkrutikkkkkkk

21. Beautiful Piece

21. Beautiful Piecekrutikkkkkkk

22. Unboxing Happy Moments

22. Unboxing Happy Momentskrutikkkkkkk

23. Won't Let The Beautiful Sunset Go

Went to the beach with a bucket and saw a beautiful sunset waiting for us to execute the plan.
23. Won't Let The Beautiful Sunset Gokrutikkkkkkk

24. Done With The Enlightment Of This Site, Moving Onto The Next

Took a construction cart at the beach and shot these images.
24. Done With The Enlightment Of This Site, Moving Onto The Nextkrutikkkkkkk

25. Break The Darkness

First I storyboarded this idea and then went to the beach with two kids. Before the sunset, I captured the images with sunset and after the sunset, I captured the ones in the dark frames.
25. Break The Darknesskrutikkkkkkk

26. Dawn Awakening

26. Dawn Awakeningkrutikkkkkkk

27. Dig Up The Happiness

27. Dig Up The Happinesskrutikkkkkkk

The photographer continued to pursue his passions, and happily, a lot of people expressed interest in his line of work. This gave him comfort and inspired him to work even harder to continue improving.

In order to advance, people from all walks of life want encouragement from those around them, and happily, the internet provided Krutik with that. Leave your thoughts about his work on the comments section below.
