30 Times People Received Hate For The Stupidest Things Ever
People just can't help it. Or can they?

People are complicated beings (and that's an understatement). We are blessed with so many wonderful emotions like love, compassion, and understanding.
However, we keep expressing the negative ones. You know, the usual - a little bit of hate, judging, poking our noses into other people's business... just to make our day.
Even if the sensation of hatred is momentary and will be forgotten the next day, individuals nonetheless enjoy expressing it. This hatred frequently has fear at its core.
Fear of things that appear too different from the norm, unintelligible perspectives, and of shared judgments. Because of this, hostility is voiced a great deal, and for very little reason.
Trying to address this issue, One Redditor posted a question: "What is the stupidest thing you've ever received hate for?" At this time, the thread has around 19K upvotes and roughly 15.5K comments, and the stories inside range from humorous and silly to cruel and angry.
We have selected some of the most interesting and infuriating answers. Take a look - it will give you a better insight into how some people think.
Just be careful, you have to be sure you want to know how some people think. You can't go back.
1. "For Having A Very Old, Sick Cat Put To Sleep Instead Of Just Letting Her Slowly Pass Away"
She had stopped eating and wouldn't move. She just sat in the same spot dying. I took her to the vet and we wound up euthanizing her.
Apparently, I am an evil b***h for not just letting her starve herself to death.
She was 15 years old.

2. "I painted my nursery with an under the sea theme and then was told the blue would make my daughter a lesbian."

3. "For Being Fond Of Bright Neon Colors"
Not me, but my husband. He has a fondness for BRIGHT NEON COLORS. Which is so opposite to his quiet, reserved personality that it tickles me to death.
So, he came home from work. We spent an hour of, “No, what do YOU want for dinner?” He ran and threw some non-work clothes on… NEON YELLOW-GREEN shirt and navy shorts and his NEON ORANGE sneakers and ran to get takeout.
The lady in front of him in line, turned around, looked my husband up and down, and proceeded to excoriate him for his choice of clothing: How on earth could he go out in public like that? What was he thinking?
That doesn’t match at all! Those colors are insulting and his wife should be ashamed of herself for letting him dress like that!
My husband, who is normally so polite, looked HER up and down and told her he could change clothes, but she’d always be an ugly b***h. I was SO proud of him!
Though he may have had to convince me to not go driving to find this woman so I could punch her in the nose. 🤣

4. "Reading Too Much"
"Reading too much" my mom used to get mad at me, an elementary school kid, for going to the library and getting a big stack of books and reading through them all in a day.
And I mean she was PISSED, she'd kick me out to go play and I would just sit outside in the grass for a few hours and wait to go back to reading lol

5. "Not being able to have children"
A guy took it upon himself to “introduce” me to concepts such as IVF and surrogacy. When I told him those wouldn’t work, he basically told me, “well, it’s no wonder you have no children if you won’t even consider the most basic of options.”
My eggs work perfectly fine, as far as I know. But pregnancy would literally kill me, and I’m on life-saving medications that would cause severe birth defects. But f**k me, amirite? Just a choosy beggar, a wannabe victim.
ETA before someone tells me “just adopt/get a cat” because *someone always does,* you’re not nearly as helpful as you think you are.

6. "For putting pink or pastel rainbow fleeces in with my male guinea pigs. They’re guinea pigs…they literally don’t care. They want lettuce."

7. "I don't drink alcohol, not preachy about it, I just don't like the taste or the effect."

8. "For Not Being Gay Enough"
Apparently having sex with guys doesn't make you gay. You also have to mirror whatever the gay club's current fashions are, down to acting like a diva with an attitude problem to be accepted.

9. "For Talking To A Guy I Met On A Dating Site Not Knowing He Was In A Relationship"
Dude was messaging me on a dating app, we met up and he seemed cool. We hung out once, he wasn’t my type and we parted on good terms and then his fiancé called me.
I said I was sorry, I had no idea. I stopped talking to the guy instantly but I still faced 6-8 months of harassment from this woman and her friends. I got told I wouldn’t live to see my next birthday, I got told I was fat and a s**t, they called me non stop they said that they knew where I lived, where I went to uni.. I even got threats on my blog that I had set up for uni. It was intense. I ended up getting the police involved.
From what I know she stayed with him but somehow I was in the wrong even though I had no idea she existed. He did nothing wrong, it was all me…f*****g ridiculous.

10. "Being black and enjoying heavy metal 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️"

11. "Being introvert. Got a looooooooooot of hate for that."

12. "Being a boy and liking horse riding. It's a frickin hobby people?"

13. "Not smiling. F**k off"

14. "For having lunch with my grandma on my lunch break at work. "
Not joking. I serve a wide area of my state and when I’m in her part of the state, which was historically underserved by the person in my position before I was, I eat lunch with her during my lunch break.
The other administrators I work with in parts of the state that I serve are now complaining that the only reason that part of the state is getting more attention (ie. Equal treatment to them rather than being neglected) is because I like to have lunch with my grandmother.

15. "For Posting Some Not-So-Clever Comments"
During my early days of the internet, there was a post on a LiveJournal page about some woman who still breastfed her kid until he was like, 5. I commented on it saying “I didn’t even know that was possible” and boy did people come at me.
Calling me a troll just trying to rile people up, saying it was offensive.. like dude, i was just 15 and honestly had no idea it was possible to breastfeed a child for that long.

16. "For Making Hot Chocolate Last Year's Christmas"
For making hot chocolate last year's Christmas some lady was criticizing me for being a adult making hot chocolate saying that's for children.i was having a nice romantic Christmas dinner with my fiance so I wanted to make a Dutch hot chocolate with a chocolate liqueur whipped topping. I just looked at her like she was crazy.
Edit this happened at a store I was telling my fiance what we needed to make dinner and dessert and the lady was eavesdropping. I needed the hot cocoa so we could have cookies and cocoa and watch some Christmas movies together.

17. "Getting the side eye for holding my gfs hand in public (we're interracial). It's just so silly. It wasn't even someone of our races being all "stop stealing our people." It was another minority!"

18. "For Playing Video Games"
Video games back when I was a teen, so about 10-15 years ago.
My parents did not know jack s**t about it, so they chose to tried to squash it out of me instead of understanding it. Sucks when all you want to do on your free time as a teen was play with the boys.
Today I am still very much a gamer, and they kinda accepted it. Just last week my Mom asked me why I didn't pursue a career in video games because I love it so much.
I simply answered: You never supported my love for it, and since you paid for my college I never thought you would have approved.
The look of guilt and realization on my mother's face was kinda bittersweet.

19. "For being 5’9."
Someone at work mentioned me being tall for a woman and I said that 5’9 isn’t super tall and they called me a liar and got pissed at me because obviously, I was at least six feet tall because he was 5’11 and I’m taller than him. Buddy, I know how tall I am and it ain’t 6’.

20. "For being autistic."

21. "For telling someone that I’m allergic to a certain food. (I extremely allergic to it)."

22. "For Having My Kid In A Mask On The Back Of My Bike"
Back during the height of the pandemic, I had my kid on the back of my bike. It was a little on the chilly side so he wanted to wear his mask. Some f*****g moron yelled at me that it was child abuse.
We were stuck at the lights so he gave me the beans for a red hot minute. Told him I’d consider his parenting advice in the same way I do all the advice I get from crazy people screaming on the street.

23. "Scoring good marks in an exam."

24. "For Not Liking Many Sweets"
"I don’t like many sweets, I’m more of a carbs and lasagna person.
Try telling people you don’t like cake when it’s offered. Just f*****g try it. It’ll be a 19 minute back and forth where they refuse to believe you, and the 5 variations of “just take a bite”.
I don’t care if this is your nan's famous recipe or if this is your personal favorite cake. I’m going to hate i"t.

25. "My really good memory. Like, people don't believe it so much that they think I lie and make up things."

26. "Being a working actor. "
There’s a whole Reddit thread about how ugly and stupid I am in r/commercialsihate…. Making fun of the way I’m dressed (I didn’t get to pick it out, that’s the wardrobe person), my hair (same, hair person), and how dumb “I” am…someone even said I looked like I was having a stroke. I was literally doing my job.
27. "Not going to a birthday party."
I know this sounds rude of me, and I did feel bad. But, I had my reasons. Back in high school, my friend was having a birthday party. At the time my dad was really ill, he was in the hospital and I wanted to be by his side.
I told her my reason and that I wouldn’t be able to make it, but once my dad was better, I would celebrate with her in a different way. She didn’t like this, and threw a fit about it.
To this day, I still don’t understand why. But, we’re no longer in contact.

28. "As a former people pleaser, making my own life choices instead of following others' pushy advice... Life choices that only concern me."

29. "I had explained to someone that nurses are mandatory reporters. Also - not wanting children"

30. "For Joking With A Nickname While Drunk"
Not me but my dad. So my dad used to have trouble remembering names so he would call people Boss. Some dude went up to him one day and got really mad at this nickname.
When my dad asks why the dude no joke says: “Boss backwards means Sorry Son Of a B***h.” And that is the most pathetic cry for attention I’ve ever heard. This was in a bar to so maybe the dude was drunk but still that was a hilarious story.
Edit: I edited for the typo but also to say what my dad did after: he just laughed which further pissed the guy off but he really couldn’t help it. Dude wanted to fight my dad and my dad was just laughing, imagine how embarrassing that would be.

Well, one thing is certain - this is the epitome of human folly, demonstrating that someone may harm someone for no reason at all. What drives people to act this way?
Does it make them feel better? Or do they just want everyone to be miserable like they are?
So many questions...
