40 People Share Basic Facts That Are Ignored By Alarmingly High Number Of People

You just might be guilty of not knowing some of these basic facts

40 People Share Basic Facts That Are Ignored By Alarmingly High Number Of People

Knowledge is frequently interpreted as factual awareness or as practical abilities, but it can also represent familiarity with things or circumstances. Although most philosophers agree that propositional knowledge is a type of genuine belief, many philosophical debates center on the issue of justification, including whether it is even necessary, how to define it, and whether anything else besides it is required.

Knowledge is studied from many different angles and is important in many academic fields. But then, there are basic facts that everyone ought to know, but you still find people who don't know them.

Depending on our upbringing, each of us develops a unique set of skills. A person who grew up in a city will be aware of when traffic gets heavier and how to avoid it, just as someone who grew up on a farm will know how to milk a cow.

You can get these skills and knowledge through experience or through formal education, but even if you need them, you might not already possess them. When Reddit user ej1273 posed the question about basic knowledge people do not know, Redditors realized that some people lacked knowledge that they regarded as basic.

So they expressed what gaps bothered them and filled others in. 

More info: Reddit

The Reddit question

The Reddit questionu/ej1273

1. "Vaccines do not cause autism."

1. DarkHorse_6505

2. "Your google search does not trump my years of school and 40 years of medical practice."

2. Responsible-Fan-1867

3. "Low calorie food don't mean healthy food. Vegan doesn't mean healthy. Fats aren't unhealthy"

3. david_bragg

4. "That forgetting your headphones doesn't mean we want to hear you scrolling through tiktok on the bus"

4. maddog232323

5. "The little stick on the left side of the steering column of every car is your turn signal. If you push it up, it will tell people around you that you are turning right and push it down to indicate a left turn."

5. Patrick2337

6. "That I don't control the f*****g prices of where I work at."

6. hurrikage09

7. "Playing music at full volume out of your phone does not sound good or make you look cool."

7. Clayruatwork

8. "That homelessness isn't just caused by bad life choices. It's very often caused by things outside the person's control. It's also a lot harder to come back from homelessness than many people think."

8. paraworldblue

9. "The words virus, fungus and bacteria aren’t interchangeable"

9. _SILVER_Shadow

10. "How long it takes a semi truck to stop"

10. Bkjasoa

11. "How to say please and thank you"

11. tipsygypsy98

12. "The "essential" in essential oils does not mean essential for human health."

12. Agent4D7

13. "Just because you can that doesn’t mean you should."

13. MockedCockel

14. "Everything is “chemical.”"

14. neuromancertr

15. "Yelling louder doesn’t make you more correct."

15. Longjumping_Event_59

16. "Ride a bike WITH traffic. Walk or run AGAINST traffic."

16. 812jlt

17. "To not stop in the middle of the sidewalk and have a conversation, causing everyone to move around you"

17.  wrteq

28. "You can't catch a cold from walking outside with wet hair."

Ps. My mom still believes this to this day.

28. Boredandsleeps

19. "The left lane is not a hangout lane. Either pass or get the hell out of the left lane."

19. soxfan15203

20. "The proper use of lose and loose."

20. LoudTsu

21. Medications

That your local pharmacy doesn't have any control over the actual production of your meds.

Why is cough medicine out of stock? I don't know. Maybe a factory in Ukraine blew up and they are our main supplier. Maybe Jeff pressed the wrong button and contaminated all the medications in the production line. I DON'T KNOW.

And yes, I am well aware that a pandemic is currently occurring. Thanks for the reminder.

I hate people.

21. MedicationsFilthySingularTrick

22. "Shopping carts don't belong in parking stalls"

22. Mobile_Zebra3897

23. Idk if this is considered basic knowledge but it's really good to know:

If your car gets stuck in snow, take out the floor mats and stick them under your tires as best you can, in the direction you are wanting to go (so the tires can drive on them). This helps give you some traction. You can reuse this technique as far as needed, just parking, getting out, and moving the floor mats back to right in front/behind your tires.

It irks me when I watch TV shows where the characters get stuck and can't get out of the snow, when they clearly have floor mats in their car. It has come to my attention over the past couple years that a lot of people don't know this, so now I try and bring it up every time it remotely comes up in a convo.

Also, keep emergency supplies in your vehicle. Jumper cables, a flashlight and batteries (keep them stored separately because corrosion), food/water, gloves, winter boots if applicable where you are, etc. Also, look up the underwater car episode of Mythbusters, just good to know :)

EDIT: as u/ruetheblue says below, if the snow is covering the tailpipe TURN THE CAR OFF. (Carbon monoxide)

23. Idk if this is considered basic knowledge but it's really good to know:aita_writing

24. "If someone has just injured their back or head DO NOT MOVE THEM"

24. KnuckledeepinUrethra

25. "Where their water shutoff is in their house."

25. MakennaTalia

26. "ZIPPERING, the method of keeping a sustained stream of traffic from both sides be it merging or whatever."

26. haloOFcornflakes

27. "That alcohol is a depressant, not a stimulant."

27. velociraptorcock69

28. "When your turn signal starts blinking at 2x speed it's a warning that one of your turn signal bulbs is out."

28. gbarfoot

29. "Ladies, don't flush your tampons. It doesn't matter if you are on city sewer or a septic system, it is _terrible_ and causes all kinds of issues."

29. Ag0r

30. Yield sign

30. Yield signAlways_B_Batman

31. "Drinking alcohol makes a person FEEL warmer but you're much more susceptible to freezing to death."

31. skabamm

32. "Don’t put water on a grease fire. This is when your pan/pot catches fire while cooking."

Cover it with the pot or pan lid and turn off the heat

Edit: people in the replies have also added that baking soda and salt can work to smother the fire. Additionally a grease fire safe extinguisher is a good thing to have in your kitchen.

32. MakennaTalia

33. "Each time you make a credit card purchase, you are taking out a short term, high interest loan which will accrue interest if you don’t pay it off by the end of the month."

33. wrathfulgrape

34. "Measure twice, cut once"

34. ahughes918

35. No added

35. No addedEmphasisCheap8611

36. Juice

36. Juicehomeownur

37. "How not to fall for a very obvious scam on the internet"

37. FlashTheorie

38. Income tax rates

38. Income tax ratesCaspers_Shadow

39. Percentage

39. PercentageOptimalConcept143

40. "Just basics of using a computer. Especially nowadays when most things are done digitally."

It’s just mind boggling when co-workers wifi does not work, or a program froze and they just don’t know what to do. Then when I reset the router or restart the computer they proceed to call me a Wizard. Like dude, what the heck?

40. blgbra6

Knowledge is a term that refers to a real belief that may be distinguished from an opinion or educated guess by the use of evidence. Here, we see people who just might know what they ought to do, but they fail to do.

How many of these basic facts are you aware of? Drop your comments below and share this post to enlighten others.
