Hilarious Photos Of People Who Are Confused By Everything In Life

Life is indeed confusing, but come oooon

  • Published in Funny
Hilarious Photos Of People Who Are Confused By Everything In Life

Life can be kind of confusing, a lot of people struggle with basic everyday tasks, which can be a little bit stupid in a couple of rare cases, but most of the time, it's just part of the experience.

Doing stupid things doesn't necessarily mean that you are actually stupid, you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and that resulted in you doing something incredibly stupid that will help you grow as a person and become better in the future. 

The people below have really hit rock bottom with their meaningless contributions on the internet.

1. Even better

1. Even betterReddit

2. Leonardo Dicaprio does it all

2. Leonardo Dicaprio does it allTwitter

3. This guy is on another level

3. This guy is on another levelReddit

4. Are you sure about that?

4. Are you sure about that?Reddit



6. What is she smoking?

6. What is she smoking?Reddit

7. If you focus really hard you might be able to see it

7. If you focus really hard you might be able to see itBP

8. Try again, you're not doing it right

8. Try again, you're not doing it rightBP

9. Who even names their dog Steve

9. Who even names their dog SteveReddit

10. You will need actual magic

10. You will need actual magicReddit

11. “A cop gave a ticket to an art piece because he thought it was illegally parked.”

11. “A cop gave a ticket to an art piece because he thought it was illegally parked.”BP

12. "“I wanted to cook my wife a fancy meal for her birthday, so I started with a slow-cooked home made chicken stock. After simmering for hours, the recipe said to pour it through a strainer. God damnit.”"

12. Reddit

13. This can't be real

13. This can't be realReddit

14. Discrimination against robots
