If You Think You're Having a Bad Day, These People Will Definitely Change Your Mind

It can't get worse than this

  • Published in Funny
If You Think You're Having a Bad Day, These People Will Definitely Change Your Mind

What most people perceive as a "bad day" is often considered as a holiday according to the people who happen to be less fortunate than the rest of us, we all love to overexaggerate things and make them seem bigger than they really are. Some people out there have real and permanent problems that ruin their lives and keep them in a constant state of confusion and fear, but you rarely hear about those problems because most people don't really care about other people's misfortunes. The things we consider as hellish are often banal and childish, but that's just how life works.

1. Life is so unfair

1. Life is so unfairReapEmAll

2. Thank You DMV...For the laughs

2. Thank You DMV...For the laughsBombastic_Sushi

3. Thanks for reminding me :(

3. Thanks for reminding me :(Pirate_Redbeard

4. I hate this game...

4. I hate this game...KevlarYarmulke



6. He's just having a nap, calm down

6. He's just having a nap, calm downJaMollyAdams

7. Moments before the disaster

7. Moments before the disasterTomDobbs4Pres

8. He only found out that he's allergic to hair dye after trying it for the first time ever

8. He only found out that he's allergic to hair dye after trying it for the first time everstinajornvik

9. That looks so pretty

9. That looks so prettyflashtone

10. He rocked her world, and her weave off

10. He rocked her world, and her weave offRHPhotoarts

11. Explain yourself little Tommy

11. Explain yourself little Tommy

12. I would move to another country if I were in his shoes

12. I would move to another country if I were in his shoesYasBeyonce

13. "That's why you shouldn't wear jeans with holes on sunny days."

13. OwnLeeYu

14. W E T B O Y E

14. W E T  B O Y Ekabones , kabones

15. Oh no...

15. Oh no...BerserkJellyfish

16. Still a good boye

16. Still a good boyekljones_science

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