20 Hilarious Furry Mishaps That Prompted Onlookers To Reach For Their Cameras

These cats love to pretend they are penguins.
You may have heard the word “copycat” before, but we bet your mind never really went to cats when you heard it. Cats are the real copycats; they love to imitate other animals — and penguins are the latest animals on their copy list.
You may find these super sweet and fluffy animals giving their mischievous sides a spin by exhibiting behaviors you would not typically find in their kind.
That’s just another reason to love these felines. There is never a dull moment with them.
We will never understand why cats choose to mimic Penguins seeing as most have never even come across one.
Penguins dwell primarily south of the equator. Most of them spend their whole lives in and around Antarctica. That’s hardly a place you would find cats.
Despite this, cats somehow can’t get enough of these flightless seabirds. They sometimes walk and stand like them.
So if you find your cat walking like a penguin, don’t be alarmed. It’s another reason cats are one of the most exciting pets to have around.
We have compiled a collection of cats who have gone the extra mile to prove that they aren’t so different from penguins. Scroll down to find a few more reasons to see why these felines are so entertaining.
He’s just making sure his feet enjoy the snow.
Certainly not you. We wouldn’t dare.
He’s got to make sure no one is stalking.
Let's hope they both find a shoe their size. You never know.
This kitty is prepping to sweep his heart-throb off her feet.
Give this cutie pie a hug, or we will.
Mornings are the best.
“If it’s comfy, I’ve got to stand on it.”
“Why are you still on the couch? Let’s go play!”
He wants to see it all firsthand.
That's not a mouth, by the way.
It's ‘take your cat to work’ day.”
He doesn’t want to eat that.
We want one.
His favorite treats must be there.
"Get in here, we need to talk."
“It’s so soft.”
You believe us now, don’t you? These cats could easily pass for penguins.
Even when pretending to be penguins, cats don’t lose their cuteness. You probably wanted to reach out and hug these felines while scrolling through, didn’t you?
We understand that feeling. We do.
Did you enjoy seeing these posts? Tell us which cat was your favorite penguin!