Conservative "Advocate" Suggests Families Can Survive With Pasta Alone, Gets Absolutely Schooled On Twitter
Walk in someone else's shoes to understand where they're coming from instead of making rash judgements
- Published in Interesting
The cost of living keeps getting higher and people have no choice but to cope with their expenses. They try their best to cut corners but when circumstances are severe, it’s hard to simply say to someone to save up because it’s practical.
It’s like watching a video of how to cook a meal and somehow the ingredients are getting more absurd the further you watch it. Then at the end, the person cooking it says, “It’s pretty simple, everyone can do it”
Sure there are ways but it’s hard to completely grasp the situation of poverty when you live comfortably. There was an article about a single mother who worked as a part-time nurse and had three children in the UK.
She couldn’t afford to go to work only part-time since childcare is expensive. But that isn’t the only thing that she struggles to have, it’s also food that they need every day.
It goes as far as her skipping meals just so her kids can eat. They are aware of it but there’s no way around it in their situation.
But this Twitter user apparently suggested something that could solve that problem. People in the comments didn’t take too kindly to how it came across.
This is the suggestion from Twitter user Kevin Edger
KEdge23Comments poured in especially from BookstrapCook who knows how that isn't nearly enough for the nurse's family
BootstrapCookThe answer is filled with sarcasm but the point stands that it isn't as easy as Kevin seems
BootstrapCookJack continued and showed how much the tweet isn't through well
BootstrapCookThe magic pasta simply wouldn't solve their crisis
BootstrapCookJack got into the details of prices and grams plus calories you'll get
BootstrapCookThere is a difference of saving money when you cook budget-friendly recipes but you can't save money you don't have
BootstrapCookJack challenged people in the replies that say that the nurse from the video can save money for food here and there
BootstrapCookIt got her fired up to see people who think this way
BootstrapCookAlthough people might've appreciate Jack raising awareness with her replies, some pointed out that it might be shifting the focus from the real problems
StuartsVoicesBut she corrected the person and told
BootstrapCookThey dug up some history on Kevin and it turns out that he was a Conservative
RandomKentGuyJokes started but it's pretty obvious that people who go through poverty knows how hard it is
JimMFeltonTwitter user BillyVacant went on to support Jack Monroe shutting down Kevin Edger
BillyVacantThey suggest that maybe Kevin should spend time working the way the nurse does for the same salary
BillboBagginsXIt might prevent dying because of starvation but malnutrition is a big issue that catches up to alot of people
RebeccaJJulesThe essential workers are people who care for you when you need it the most, they shouldn't be stressing about their own basic needs
jsy11997807His priorities is questionable
villa4life4The nurse probably tried every way to budget her salary
diva_politicalKevin might just be a pot stirrer while not knowing facts about the problem
1957AJBInstead of blaming the inefficiency of a system, the victims are blamed
GeorgeHotchki14The nurse is aware that a lot of people suffer the same way she does but she still tries to provide as much as she can
KeatLizIt's a messed up world
yip_kevinIt's not practically possible most of the times
cinzywincyThey are also random and don't go well with other budget stuff
mat8iouIt's a vicious cycle
HirwenHeraLook at the reality and see the way other people live before making suggestions like he had
GaryPau72646490There is always hesitation in splurges even though other people technically don't consider them as splurges
BlumbloTo barely survive is already expensive
AlexNorthrop1Look at it this way
RayMacLean1The reality is that a lot of people struggle with poverty. Skipping meals or being without a roof over your head is, unfortunately, common.
Thinking you can do better than those people without being in the same shoes as them shows ignorance. This is why the people in the comments made sure to share their sentiments about how bad it is.