Redditor Calls Out Their Parents For Choosing Expensive Restaurants When They're Treating Them Dinner

OP thinks it's not fair since they don't do this when their brother is paying.

Redditor Calls Out Their Parents For Choosing Expensive Restaurants When They're Treating Them Dinner

So, OP and their brother Paul, who's 31 and a dude with a flair for life, both packed their bags and moved near their parents about a year ago. As part of their grand sibling agreement, they decided on something awesome - a bi-monthly family dinner ritual.

Twice a month, they'd go out with their parents, and here's the catch: Paul and OP would take turns footing the bill. Cool, right?

Now, let's paint the scene. OP and Paul, both knee-deep in their careers, make a pretty penny and are riding high on the success train. But there's a sneaky little twist in the plot. OP starts noticing something fishy.

When it's Paul's turn to pay, it's all about food court vibes, mall pizzas, and budget-friendly joints. But, hold your horses; when it's OP's turn, suddenly, the family's dining at fancy-schmancy restaurants with price tags that could make your eyes pop out.

OP, ever the curious detective, finally decides to Sherlock Holmes their way into this peculiar mystery. But they're not letting Paul in on the secret mission just yet. They have a heart-to-heart with their parents and straight-up ask them about this.

The parents spill the beans, or rather the lobster bisque. They reveal that Paul's got a new lady in his life, and apparently, the parental units are all about him making "plans."

And by that, they mean saving up some serious dough. The surprising part? The lady's not expecting, and Paul's not dropping to one knee anytime soon. So, what's the deal?

Well, turns out OP's parents are playing a bit of a restaurant game, and here's where it gets interesting. They're all about helping Paul save some moolah for his upcoming, ahem, future.

And, here's the kicker - they think because OP's still young and single, they can handle the bill without a hiccup. Interesting logic, right?

OP decides they're not going to join in on these culinary escapades unless the scales are balanced. They're not about to be part of a family dinner where the bill games are rigged.

OP and their brother Paul go out for family dinners with their parents twice a month

OP and their brother Paul go out for family dinners with their parents twice a monthu/ThrowawayUnfavored

OP noticed that recently, when it's their turn to pay the parents choose more expensive restaurants

OP noticed that recently, when it's their turn to pay the parents choose more expensive restaurantsu/ThrowawayUnfavored

OP decided to confront their parents about this

OP decided to confront their parents about thisu/ThrowawayUnfavored

The parents told OP that they were trying to help Paul save up some money

The parents told OP that they were trying to help Paul save up some moneyu/ThrowawayUnfavored

They explained that OP can still afford it because they're young

They explained that OP can still afford it because they're youngu/ThrowawayUnfavored

OP pointed out that they were being unfair and the parents called them out for being childish

OP pointed out that they were being unfair and the parents called them out for being childishu/ThrowawayUnfavored

OP and their brother agreed to let the parents choose the place

OP and their brother agreed to let the parents choose the placeu/ThrowawayUnfavored

Splitting the bill

Splitting the billu/Ashevegas_

It's the principle!

It's the principle!u/DisneyAddict2021

Let the brother know

Let the brother knowu/undeadeater

According to the parents, OP's breaking their word about the whole dinner arrangement. But guess what? OP's standing their ground, confident that they're not asking for anything unreasonable. OP's not asking for the moon and stars; they're just looking for a level playing field when it comes to splitting the dinner bills.

It seems like everyone in the comments sided with OP on this.
