40 Classic Tricks Parents Used To Fool Their Gullible Kids

Take notes, people!

  • Published in Funny
40 Classic Tricks Parents Used To Fool Their Gullible Kids

Parenting is no walk in the park. It requires patience, skill, and a good sense of humor to navigate the unpredictable world of children. Whether it's convincing them to eat their veggies or getting them to go to bed on time, sometimes you have to embrace the chaos and roll with it.

One subreddit stands out as a beacon of light for parents everywhere in a world filled with parenting challenges. It's where moms and dads share their most hilarious tales of trickery and deceit— all in the name of good fun.

These stories are a goldmine of comedic genius, showcasing the lengths parents will go to to outsmart their gullible little ones. From convincing them that the ice cream truck only plays music when it's out of ice cream to make them believe they could dig their way to China in the backyard, these anecdotes are guaranteed to leave you in stitches.

But it's not just about the laughs. These stories represent that parenting doesn't always have to be serious business.

Sometimes, the best way to handle a sticky situation is with a healthy dose of creativity and a sprinkle of imagination. Take, for example, the dad who convinced his daughter that the moon was made of cheese.

Every night, they would gaze up at the sky together, and he would spin elaborate tales about the cheesy wonders that lay beyond the stars. Not only did it make bedtime more fun, but it also sparked a lifelong love of astronomy in his daughter.

Or how about the mom who convinced her son that broccoli was tiny trees? Suddenly, eating his greens became an exciting adventure in the land of giants, complete with epic battles against evil broccoli monsters.

Sometimes, parents need to get creative...

Sometimes, parents need to get creative...Pexels

1. "A Better Version Of Hide N Seek."

1. Reddit

2. "Genius until it wasn’t."

2. Reddit

3. "My Brother Everybody…."

3. Reddit

4. "What The Heck."

4. Reddit

5. "Sharing daylight."

5. Reddit

6. "The car won’t start."

6. Reddit

7. "I Have No Idea How Mad I Should Be."

7. Reddit

8. "Princess food!."

8. Reddit

9. "My Little Brother’s Got This On His Wall."

9. Reddit

10. "Tooth fairy is allergic to dust."

10. Reddit

11. "My Daughter’s Elementary School Emailed This Photo So Parents Can Claim Lost Glasses. The School Only Has 190 Students."

11. Reddit



13. "The lies we tell."

13. Reddit

14. "I Dont Know What To Say."

14. Reddit

15. "So Caring."

15. Reddit

16. "Paint with water."

16. Reddit

17. "Seeing his brain."

17. Reddit

18. "Yup, can see, yup."

18. Reddit

19. "Look for a toy."

19. Reddit

20. "Ah Yes, How To Get A ‘Free’ Cookie."

20. Reddit

21. "Baby cabbages gone."

21. Reddit

22. "Nice."

22. Reddit

23. "Childhood diaries reveal everything."

23. Reddit

24. "The Anniversary Of This One.. I Was The 11 Year Old."

24. Reddit

25. "Never Felt Better."

25. Reddit

26. "Having To Call Toxicology."

26. Reddit

27. "TV is napping."

27. Reddit

28. "Sold out!"

28. Reddit

29. “Pretend”

29. “Pretend”Reddit

30. "Genius."

30. Reddit

31. "Year Old Donated $400."

31. Reddit

32. "RIP baby shark."

32. Reddit

33. "Glad This Didn’t Exist When I Was A Kid."

33. Reddit

34. "Fun For All The Family."

34. Reddit

35. "Cold toast."

35. Reddit

36. "My Literal 7-Year-Old Daughter Answering A Philosophical Question For School Work."

36. Reddit

37. "What Was The Thought Process?."

37. Reddit

38. "Get This Man A Phd."

38. Reddit

39. "Gotta grow up."

39. Reddit

40. "Kids Are Way Too Gullible."

40. Reddit

These stories aren't just about tricking the kids; they're about finding joy in the everyday chaos of parenthood. They show us that it's okay to be silly sometimes and that laughter is the best remedy, especially when dealing with dirty diapers and sleepless nights.

So, the next time you face a parenting challenge, why not take a lesson from these clever moms and dads? A little creativity can turn a meltdown into a moment of pure hilarity. And who knows? You might create a cherished memory that your kids will remember for years.
