Redditor Presses Charges After Friend's Parents Break Into Her Home And Kill Pet Snake For Being "The Sign Of The Devil'

"Her parents are overly Christian and claim that snakes are devilish."

Redditor Presses Charges After Friend's Parents Break Into Her Home And Kill Pet Snake For Being "The Sign Of The Devil'

When one thinks of house break-ins, the image of stolen electronics or jewelry comes to mind. Rarely does one think of a beloved pet being the target, especially for religious reasons.

Well, this became the reality of our 23-year-old narrator, who had her pet snake, Popcorn, stolen from his enclosure by the most unexpected culprits.

OP explained that for the past few years, she had formed a close bond with Popcorn, a 3-year-old fancy corn snake. Interestingly, one of her close friends is also a snake lover but had been forced by her religious parents to do away with such interest—Why? Because they believe that a snake is the "sign of the devil."

On one fateful day, OP decided to invite her friend over to hang out. The pair had fun talking, playing video games, and feeding Popcorn.

OP's friend went home fulfilled and feeling excited about getting to meet the snake. But her excitement pushed her to make a huge mistake. She told her parents about Popcorn—the supposed "devil" that was curled up in OP's house.

About a week later, the girl's parents took it upon themselves to rid their daughter's friend (OP) of this "demon" who was living comfortably in her house. One of them (believed to be the girl's mom) snuck in through the living room window, opened the enclosure, and grabbed Popcorn.

The next morning, OP went downstairs to say good morning to her pet snake, but she noticed he wasn't there. "Probably he's hiding," she thought to herself.

A few minutes later, OP heard her friend frantically banging at her door. When OP let her in, the girl revealed everything that had happened. Worst of all, they had killed Popcorn!

At this point, OP decided to search the enclosure thoroughly, only to find an empty vivarium. Now the police have gotten involved, and OP's friend's parents are set to be charged for their crimes.

Scroll down to find out how the story unfolds.

Let's dig into the details

Let's dig into the

A little background

A little

OP's friend's parents broke into her house and killed her pet snake

OP's friend's parents broke into her house and killed her pet

OP called the cops and got the culprit arrested

OP called the cops and got the culprit

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

“Seriously, how can you even deal with that madness? I'd be on the revenge path.”

“Seriously, how can you even deal with that madness? I'd be on the revenge path.”

“Jesus Christ, these people deserve to be in prison.”

“Jesus Christ, these people deserve to be in prison.”

OP’s friends parents might be facing a 10-year-sentence

OP’s friends parents might be facing a

“Structured religion is true evil and it proves that every minute of everyday.“

“Structured religion is true evil and it proves that every minute of everyday.“

Pets are also considered property, so it won’t be surprising if they get charged with more that just Breaking & Entering

Pets are also considered property, so it won’t be surprising if they get charged with more that just Breaking &

Perhaps OP can throw in a charge on animal cruelty

Perhaps OP can throw in a charge on animal

“That's just insane. I can't even grasp the concept of why they would consider a snake evil.”

“That's just insane. I can't even grasp the concept of why they would consider a snake evil.”

“That's crazy! They actually broke into your house just to kill your pet.”

“That's crazy! They actually broke into your house just to kill your pet.”

According to this Redditor, OP’s parents are not overly religious, they just use religion as an excuse for terrible behavior

According to this Redditor, OP’s parents are not overly religious, they just use religion as an excuse for terrible

The Reddit community rallied around to console OP for the loss of her snake. Thankfully, the culprit was arrested and would face the consequences of their crime.

The commenters also advised OP to press charges for animal cruelty, along with the other charges.

In addition, one Redditor pointed out that such an act isn’t a sign of being overly religious. Rather, it shows how people use religion as an excuse to be terrible humans.

We’d love to get your thoughts on this story. Join the conversation in the comments.
