People Are Roasting Parents Who Gave Ridiculous Names To Their Children - Top 30 List
These kids will spend half of their life spelling out their names to others.
- Published in Interesting
You should embrace your name, no matter how odd it may sound, and be proud of who you are. Having a decent sense of humor and understanding that not everyone will "get" your name is key.
Sure, some people might say it incorrectly a dozen times, but it's an important part of who you are. Our names are important, but they do not define us.
Even though some names give a certain impression about a person's character, we often see that names rarely go hand in hand with the character. We've all met boring Sophias and hilarious Cliffords and Maynards.
However, there are some extremes that almost guarantee nothing good could ever happen to that person. Making the choice of a child's name as a parent is equally significant because it will shape that child's future.
Because, let's face it, giving your child a name that is wildly unusual and bizarre would probably make life miserable for them on the playground. And it's just a start.
School bullies will be waiting in line to have a shot at the kid with the bizarre name. And there won't be any place to hide.
Unfortunately, it will continue all through college, employment, and probably even in the nursing home. If you think we are exaggerating, just take a look at these names:
1. Archie Pelago
Rebecca Mis2. Super Funk
Michele Van DettiReport3. Elysium vs. Nemesis (Heaven vs. Enemy)
Jessica Malone4. Literaleigh
Jenna Lane,twitter.com5. Happy birthday... He is lucky, he still doesn't understand what his parents did to him...
Kady Beth Gallagher6. Qwinzleigh
Carley Copeland7. Aquamarine - Melody. And if you think that's weird... They call her Aqua
Kristie Samantha Burton8. Some people are truly blessed
Emily Haines9. What? Was someone just hitting random letters on the keyboard?
Brandy Muz10. Some people should be prohibited by law to name their kids. (maybe even to have them in the first place)
Alondra J Garcia11. Paycen?
Skyy Noelle12. Otter?
Kayla Binder13. Famous baby
Josephine Alicia Martinez14. Ovari? And his brother Uterus?
Jessica JC15. Well, the name sure sounds royal...
Grace Morgan17. So many great names. Makes you wonder about their inspiration. Oh, is there a Sparkly?
Madi Funn18. Ka-Ah names....
Group member19. Taysom
Katy Alaniz Lpc20. Foreign Prince
Jessica Valle21. Blakli
Kady Beth Gallagher22. Furman and Forbes
Brandy Muz23. Midnight Maverick
Dana Frankovich24. Piech
Group member25. Galaxyus
Katie Hagen26. The Official Name Reveal!!!!!!!
Minnie Arouf27. Memphis and Tullsa
Denver Quinn28. Stover Boone
Krista Brownell29. Lemmyn Opal
Ally Judy30. Nope, not to close together at all...
Group memberThere is a trend of parents choosing the craziest names. They believe a strong and unusual name will help their children distinguish themselves from the crowd and guide them through life.
And it seems that parents are handing over their duties to names. Before, it was a parent's job to help the child grow into a strong, respectful, and kind individual.
Now, it is like - "here is your name. It's quirky and unique. Make the best of it. Now go."
Just imagine how many times in life these kids will have to spell out their names to other people....