Parents Demand 40 Grand From Their Working Teenager, Saying They Deserve It Because She Earned The Money While She Was Still Under Their Roof

The parents made bad financial choices and are now in the red.

Parents Demand 40 Grand From Their Working Teenager, Saying They Deserve It Because She Earned The Money While She Was Still Under Their Roof

Children don't owe anything to their parents. After all, it's the parents who decide to have kids.

The relationship between children and their parents is a unique one. Ideally, the parent's role is to love and sacrifice different aspects of their life for their children.

Parents are responsible for nurturing and raising their children, providing them with the tools and opportunities to grow. They invest their time, energy, and resources into shaping their children's lives, often putting their own needs aside.

However, parents should never expect their children to repay all these things. Children, on the other hand, have the privilege of receiving this care and guidance, enabling them to explore their potential and find their own path.

While they may not owe a direct debt to their parents, it's important for children to acknowledge and appreciate the love, sacrifices, and efforts their parents have made. Healthy perspectives from both sides establish a foundation of gratitude, empathy, and respect.

Unfortunately, some parents demand money from their children and say things like, "I gave you a roof over your head." This behavior is guaranteed to breed resentment in the child.

In today's post, we'll look at the story of a teenager whose parents made the wrong financial choices. At an early, she realized that she'd have to fend for herself.

She saved enough money for her college education. Now that her parents are broke, they want her to give them 40 grand.

Naturally, she refused.

A teenager who earned money for her future doesn't want to give in to the demands of her parents.

She asked the people of the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) if refusing her parents was wrong.

A teenager who earned money for her future doesn't want to give in to the demands of her parents.Reddit

The original poster (OP) witnessed her parents' bad spending habits and decided to earn money for herself.

The original poster (OP) witnessed her parents' bad spending habits and decided to earn money for herself.Reddit

When the parents started having financial problems, they decided to contact the OP.

The mother didn't even bother asking how she was. She went straight to the point and asked money from the OP.

When the parents started having financial problems, they decided to contact the OP.Reddit

She was willing to contribute some money, but her parents wanted to take every cent she worked for.

She was willing to contribute some money, but her parents wanted to take every cent she worked for.Reddit

Now, even the other family members are bugging her to give the parents her money.

Now, even the other family members are bugging her to give the parents her money.Reddit

Why take out another mortgage only for a wedding?

It only shows how bad they are at handling finances.

Why take out another mortgage only for a wedding?Reddit

Why give them the 40 grand? The OP knows what will happen to her hard-earned money.

It's better to save it for her future.

Why give them the 40 grand? The OP knows what will happen to her hard-earned money.Reddit

These parents need to understand that it's never a child's obligation to give back.

These parents need to understand that it's never a child's obligation to give back.Reddit

The OP really needs to cut them off her life if they're like this.

The OP really needs to cut them off her life if they're like this.Reddit

These parents shouldn't involve their children over their own irresponsibility.

These parents shouldn't involve their children over their own irresponsibility.Reddit

Redditors feel that she should cut ties with her family and never give them money.

Redditors feel that she should cut ties with her family and never give them money.Reddit

What the parents did was neglect the OP. Therefore, the OP shouldn't feel bad about not giving them money.

What the parents did was neglect the OP. Therefore, the OP shouldn't feel bad about not giving them money.Reddit

The OP should never feel obligated to help her parents, especially since she was somewhat neglected. She can keep all her money and spend it for the sake of her future.

Her life might even be more peaceful if she cut ties with them. Otherwise, she'll constantly be bugged by her financially irresponsible parents.
