19 Funny Disney And Pixar Memes About Parenting That Are Sure To Get Anyone Laughing

Nothing like good ol' Disney memes to satisfy our inner child even as a parent.

  • Published in Disney
19 Funny Disney And Pixar Memes About Parenting That Are Sure To Get Anyone Laughing

Oh, Disney and Pixar—what would our childhood be if it weren't for these two? For most of us who grew up with their classic animated films, life has certainly been magical—especially now that some of us have grown into parents who made our children watch our childhood favorites as well.

The fun doesn't end with the films we only saw when we were young, though, because a lot of the newer animated films are still so relatable and wonderful that they are irresistible to watch and dive into! Sometimes, parents are even more entertained by the newer films produced, because well, Disney and Pixar have always left a mark within our hearts that no animating studio could ever replace.

That being said, a lot of Disney and Pixar film content has been translated into memes—all in a good way. Parenting young ones involves a lot of hard work, and as much as we love our kids, it can be quite tough caring and being responsible for the little ones.

That's why these memes are here to give you a little breather from all the parenting stress because well, let's face it, we can always count on good ol' Disney and Pixar to lift our moods. Check out some of the funniest ones below!

1. The sheer look of fear

1. The sheer look of fearmomwithaboysname

2. It's all fun and games until you see them on your bathroom walls

2. It's all fun and games until you see them on your bathroom wallsrealtoughdad

3. Oh, what a magical world their house must be!

3. Oh, what a magical world their house must be!ramblinma

4. Honestly, where do they go? You can't help but worry for both

4. Honestly, where do they go? You can't help but worry for bothrealtoughdad

5. Time to belt out this iconic song

5. Time to belt out this iconic songalrightmom

6. Wholesome for a second, a complete mess for the rest of your life

6. Wholesome for a second, a complete mess for the rest of your lifestamfordmommy

7. As long as you label it then fine...

7. As long as you label it then fine...memedaddy.official

8. It shamefully makes you realize 'Oh no! I didn't sign up for this thing, did I?'

Kidding, all mothers have gone through this.

8. It shamefully makes you realize 'Oh no! I didn't sign up for this thing, did I?'postcards4kids

9. In this household, the parents rule

9. In this household, the parents rulemommywinetime

10. It can be quite fun and appealing at first but when it gets out of hand...

10. It can be quite fun and appealing at first but when it gets out of hand...alyceoneword

11. If there's one thing parents should learn by now, it's to never trust their kid's 'promises'

11. If there's one thing parents should learn by now, it's to never trust their kid's 'promises'stamfordmommy

12. Where did they get the audacity? Hmm?

12. Where did they get the audacity? Hmm?kiss_my_memes

13. The story of a 60-year-old single mom and how she managed it through the years without going crazy

13. The story of a 60-year-old single mom and how she managed it through the years without going crazysparklesandskidmarks

14. If you are wondering how some disney guys would be like as dads or husbands, these are some pretty accurate descriptions that you'll probably nod onto

14. If you are wondering how some disney guys would be like as dads or husbands, these are some pretty accurate descriptions that you'll probably nod ontomommy.hooding

15. Do you hear that or are those just the voices talking?

15. Do you hear that or are those just the voices talking?brokendevotion116

16. It would be wonder if you still looked like a Disney princess after all that mess

16. It would be wonder if you still looked like a Disney princess after all that messcheckyourkidsatthedoor

17. They are the most meticulous creatures ever, and annoyingly so

17. They are the most meticulous creatures ever, and annoyingly sopostcards4kids

18. Kids and their weird food choices

18. Kids and their weird food choicesmommywinetime

19. Channeling your inner Disney villain...in style

19. Channeling your inner Disney villain...in stylestay.at.homies

No matter what age you are, you can always count on these memes to help you lighten up your life situation even if you are already stressed out. Life with kids is tough, but once they grow more throughout the years, you will begin to realize that you should've spent more time with them when they were younger so cherish it will you can!

Comment down your thoughts, or share these memes for all your fellow parents to see!
