Parents Whose Kids Make Them Go Through Hell, Tweet About Their Misfortune

These parents honestly deserve a Nobel prize

  • Published in Funny
Parents Whose Kids Make Them Go Through Hell, Tweet About Their Misfortune

Becoming a parent is a wonderful thing, but sometimes it comes with a couple of disadvantages. Things can even get a thousand times harder if you're unlucky enough to end up with misbehaved kids. 

There's nothing worse than having noisy and out of control kids, they will make your life a living hell and drive you to insanity. 

The parents below honestly deserve a Nobel prize because of the things their kids make them go through. They decided to Tweet about their misfortunes and the things their kids make them go through on a daily day basis. It's even worse than you might think.

1. Kids can be overly dramatic

1. Kids can be overly dramaticBuzzFeed

2. How dare you steal her air

2. How dare you steal her airBuzzFeed

3. She hates life already

3. She hates life already BuzzFeed

4. You monster!

4. You monster!BuzzFeed

5. Titus doesn't give a f*ck

5. Titus doesn't give a f*ckBuzzFeed

6. Well imagine my shock

6. Well imagine my shock BuzzFeed

7. "I think my wife finally had it with our girls loosing the hairbrush :)"

7. BuzzFeed

8. We should all start calling it that

8. We should all start calling it thatBuzzFeed

9. A goose can be a bad dog too

9. A goose can be a bad dog too BuzzFeed

10. Tomatoes are scary man

10. Tomatoes are scary manBuzzFeed

11. That's deep as hell

11. That's deep as hellBuzzFeed

12. He basically stole the bowl

12. He basically stole the bowl BuzzFeed

13. This kid is going places

13. This kid is going placesBuzzFeed

14. Oh god no, that's the worst

14. Oh god no, that's the worstBuzzFeed

15. Bottles are super smart

15. Bottles are super smartBuzzFeed

16. This kid is going to be a serial killer

16. This kid is going to be a serial killer BuzzFeed