Cat Owner Breaks A Hole In His Rental To Save His Cats Life

A cat owner breaks open a hole in his house wall to rescue his missing pet.

Cat Owner Breaks A Hole In His Rental To Save His Cats Life

As a cautionary phrase, "Don't meow-ve" is appropriate if your cat appears ready to flee from you. But for one owner, it was also a true statement when he rescued his cat from the exterior walls of his home after it had become trapped.

Scott Cunningham, of Waco, Texas, visited his parents in Tennessee for Thanksgiving week when he returned home to discover his two cats had vanished. This led to a series of events that ended with Scott blasting his way through the walls of his leased home to find his lost cat.

Mr. Cunningham posted the video of his black cat Veronica, also known as Ronnie, inside the wall of his house. On November 29, he heard her meowing after he got home and discovered she'd gotten in via a closet containing the air conditioning unit.

Using a hammer to gently punch a hole in the wall, Mr. Cunningham is seen rescuing the cat in a video that has now gone viral with over 77,000 views. As luck would have it, he'd phoned his landlady, who had persuaded him to burst through the wall to free the cat from its situation.

A few seconds later, after Scott and his daughter yell out "Ronnie," her dazzling green eyes emerge, and she jumps into the room.

He smashed into a wall with a sledgehammer.

Texan Scott Cunningham returned from a Thanksgiving holiday to his parents in Tennessee and couldn't find his cat Ronnie anyplace else, so he had to break a hole in the wall of his workplace to get her out.

He smashed into a wall with a sledgehammer.Source

Home alone cat.

Mr. Cunningham, who is a professor of economics at Baylor University, said he got the two cats Betty and Veronica earlier this year and this was his first time going out of town for more than a day.

Home alone cat.Source

Ronnie peeping out from behind the hole.

Ronnie peeping out from behind the hole.Source

Hammering a hole through the wall.

Even though Scott has automatic food, water, and litter for the cats, he still had someone check on them every day. One day the guy called and said he couldn't find Ronnie.

Scott told him to wait around the house and see. After looking everywhere for the cat, the guy had unknowingly opened the door to a closet area with the air conditioner unit when he was looking for her.

This connected to the walls of the house. When he came back the next day, he saw her and left again. And that kept happening until Saturday.

Scott got home on Sunday at 11 pm and could not find either of the cats. He later found Betty in the closet and noticed how much the area was unfinished (rental).

He kept hearing Ronnie and his daughter later found her meowing in the wall section in his office. Best he could tell, she'd gone into the rafters through that closet, climbed over the whole house, across the hall, into the walls, and gotten lost.

Hammering a hole through the wall.Source

Below is a video of this cute story


If you have a cat, you know that it can go missing and then turn up in the most unexpected places. Fortunately, the cat's owner was able to locate his cat, who is now safe and sound.

Social media users were quick to point out that cats don't "abide by the laws of nature." A user wrote: 'Oh my gosh, poor kitty! Glad they were alright!'

Another user said: 'It would have been awesome if the cat had suddenly appeared from the other side, with a puzzled face, like: "Why are you crazy people punching holes in my home's wall?"'
