50 Of The Most Hilarious Conversations People Have Overheard In Los Angeles

Eavesdropping has its perks sometimes.

  • Published in Funny
50 Of The Most Hilarious Conversations People Have Overheard In Los Angeles

Oh, Los Angeles, the city of angels, sunshine, dreams, and opportunity. There, ambition, glitz, glamour, friendliness, and aloofness all come together to create this unique cultural cocktail that a lot of people want to get into.

It's the place all kinds of people go, old or young, carrying their hopes, their dreams, or simply their desires for a new life in one of the most famous cities in the world. More than that though, there is just plenty to love in that city with beautiful year-round weather, spectacular scenery, and endless recreational opportunities.

While most people think of celebrities and Hollywood when people mention LA though, the city is actually filled with a diverse working-class population. That's probably why when it comes to conversations, it's just as diverse and interesting.

The funniest and strangest out-of-context conversations overheard by people get featured in the massively popular "Overheard LA" Instagram account. Originally created by Jesse Margolis, Overheard LA has become a digital empire that has branching accounts in some of the biggest cities of the world documenting the hilarious sides of life in other cities, lifestyles, and professions.

Here we have a collection of some of the funniest overheard conversations in LA. So pour yourself some orange juice, put on your sunglasses, and let's get scrolling.

1. Ooooh, we feel the burn from here!

1. Ooooh, we feel the burn from here!overheardla

2. Oof that flight attendant really isn't holding back

2. Oof that flight attendant really isn't holding backoverheardla

3. The perfect response

3. The perfect responseoverheardla

4. Suddenly, every name reminds you of that one person you really didn't like

4. Suddenly, every name reminds you of that one person you really didn't likeoverheardla

5. Sorry not sorry but suck it Putin

5. Sorry not sorry but suck it Putinoverheardla

6. Hard pass on being taught how to objectify women by my own father, thanks

6. Hard pass on being taught how to objectify women by my own father, thanksoverheardla

7. It wasn't that bad a slip up

7. It wasn't that bad a slip upoverheardla

8. Then, a few months later, how's the no sleep thing going?

8. Then, a few months later, how's the no sleep thing going?overheardla

9. If it were us, we'd get special penis shaped ones for those guys

9. If it were us, we'd get special penis shaped ones for those guysoverheardla

10. Because nothing can be that good?

10. Because nothing can be that good?overheardla

11. Oh, waddly cold bird definitely sounds better

11. Oh, waddly cold bird definitely sounds betteroverheardla

12. That must have been harsh

12. That must have been harshoverheardla

13. It's either masks or ventilators, take your pick

13. It's either masks or ventilators, take your pickoverheardla

14. She is way past giving you a second chance

14. She is way past giving you a second chanceoverheardla

15. It hurts less not hearing it out loud

15. It hurts less not hearing it out loudoverheardla

16. Everything is technically processed hun

16. Everything is technically processed hunoverheardla

17. Trust definitely lost

17. Trust definitely lostoverheardla

18. Are you sure mate?

18. Are you sure mate?overheardla

19. Seriously though, going to bed is the best part of the day

19. Seriously though, going to bed is the best part of the dayoverheardla

20. Yes, pets are just amazing like that

20. Yes, pets are just amazing like thatoverheardla

21. When normal gets turned upside down

21. When normal gets turned upside downoverheardla

22. Paying proper wages would solve problems like this

22. Paying proper wages would solve problems like thisoverheardla

23. He got park blocked

23. He got park blockedoverheardla

24. That right there is good self care

24. That right there is good self careoverheardla

25. What a way to give yourself up

25. What a way to give yourself upoverheardla

26. Great way to avoid wasting time, you know?

26. Great way to avoid wasting time, you know?overheardla

27. We hope the cashier was trying to be funny

27. We hope the cashier was trying to be funnyoverheardla

28. Every introvert out there

28. Every introvert out thereoverheardla

29. At least they're boosting their self?

29. At least they're boosting their self?overheardla

30. Please teach us!

30. Please teach us!overheardla

31. Not the odd one out anymore

31. Not the odd one out anymoreoverheardla

32. Satisfying, isn't it?

32. Satisfying, isn't it?overheardla

33. They would send out nuclear codes to enemies without even realizing it

33. They would send out nuclear codes to enemies without even realizing itoverheardla

34. When mom is just so done

34. When mom is just so done overheardla

35. How would you even get into bars like that?

35. How would you even get into bars like that?overheardla

36. Ah yes, that is true indeed

36. Ah yes, that is true indeed overheardla

37. There's a thin line with those things

37. There's a thin line with those thingsoverheardla

38. Aren't we all?

38. Aren't we all?overheardla

39. Dude, just don't go to your family for thanksgiving

39. Dude, just don't go to your family for thanksgivingoverheardla

40. You just don't let those circles mix

40. You just don't let those circles mixoverheardla

41. Wow, okay, classy?

41. Wow, okay, classy?overheardla

42. No, a crane dropped you on the doorstep

42. No, a crane dropped you on the doorstepoverheardla

43. Or orders

43. Or ordersoverheardla

44. Sure, Beyonce is also waiting for her next paycheck

44. Sure, Beyonce is also waiting for her next paycheckoverheardla

45. Everyone would be much more relaxed and chill that's for sure

45. Everyone would be much more relaxed and chill that's for sureoverheardla

46. Maybe those are the only months they remember?

46. Maybe those are the only months they remember?overheardla

47. Harsh but true

47. Harsh but trueoverheardla

48. They all have a certain flair

48. They all have a certain flairoverheardla

49. Definitely only in LA

49. Definitely only in LAoverheardla

50. Have you considered protecting that sincerity by moving to a less hostile place?

50. Have you considered protecting that sincerity by moving to a less hostile place?overheardla

LA and its people are definitely very interesting as seen in these conversations. While there are some pretty interesting conversations out there in other cities, we don't think anything is as similar as these LA conversations.

They just have a certain character to them that definitely makes it obvious it's from someone in LA. Have you heard any interesting conversations around your area?

Share it with us!
