Tripod Cat Named Gimpy Survived Cancer And Now Entertains Devoted Fans

He's seriously adorable!

Tripod Cat Named Gimpy Survived Cancer And Now Entertains Devoted Fans

Every cat has a story, and some cats have more extraordinary stories than others and end up being exceptionally special kitties, too. Such is the case for Gimpy: "My name is Gimpy. The Original Gimpy. I am the Gimpiest. The best cancer survivor, tripod, FANGtastic kitty around."

Seriously, Gimpy's face, purrsonality, and story will all reel you in and tuck you away in the crevasses of diehard kitty dedication (crazy cat people, you know who you are!) Gimpy's Instagram is booming with humor, so naturally we found ourselves obsessed and reached out for a furry interview with The Original Gimpy himself... we were definitely not disappointed!

Gimpy's dedicated, beloved human mama says: "He’s the special-ist kitty of all time."

She's not wrong, he really is special.

Gimpy's dedicated, beloved human mama says: theoriginalgimpycat

Gimpy is 13-years old and a Flame Point Siamese

Gimpy is 13-years old and a Flame Point Siamesetheoriginalgimpycat

Gimpy is a tripod kitty and a cancer survivor, and in addition to those unique properties he has "no teeth (just fangs.)"


Gimpy is an exceptionally happy cat, he even says just about everything makes him happy.

"My purr motor is always on full blast and you can see my smile and fangs from a mile away!"
Gimpy is an exceptionally happy cat, he even says just about everything makes him happy.theoriginalgimpycat

His human mama has a sense of humor impawsible not to delight in, between Gimpy and his devoted mom, the whole Internet is a better place with more laughter, honestly.

His human mama has a sense of humor impawsible not to delight in, between Gimpy and his devoted mom, the whole Internet is a better place with more laughter, honestly. theoriginalgimpycat

If you were wondering, Gimpy's favorite music is rap and hip hop, especially from the 80's and 90's, and if Gimpy were to be matched with a creative work or artist, he believes it would have been as a back up dancer for Notorious B.I.G. Why? Gimpy and his mom say:

"He’s got the hippity hop down with his three legs!"

Gimpy's favorite thing in the whole wide world to do is: Snuggle.

"He’s the best love-bug in the whole wide world and borderline co-dependent!"
Gimpy's favorite thing in the whole wide world to do is: Snuggle.theoriginalgimpycat

"My MamaLady loves pizza almost as much as she loves me. I said almost."


Gimpy's mom says: "Gimpy has three legs and he can run, hop, and jump with lightening speed."


In October of 2016, Gimpy had all four (self described as overrated) legs and was waiting biopsy results from an injection-site sarcoma. Today, he's living cancer free with 3 legs.

In October of 2016, Gimpy had all four (self described as overrated) legs and was waiting biopsy results from an injection-site sarcoma. Today, he's living cancer free with 3 legs. theoriginalgimpycat

Gimpy lives with his best friend Gus! Gussstopher, a house panther (AKA the yin to his yang and "the puurfect tripod footstool.")

Gimpy goes bonkers for patte and because his mama loves cheese, he loves cheese, too. (Exceptional taste, cheese is fantastic.)

Gimpy lives with his best friend Gus! Gussstopher, a house panther (AKA the yin to his yang and theoriginalgimpycat

Seriously, though, every day is a delight when Gimpy is in your Instagram feed. His posts are captioned to be exceptionally funny but they're still endearing and sincere. He's a fantastic special needs kitty who deserves to continue growing with popularity.

Seriously, though, every day is a delight when Gimpy is in your Instagram feed. His posts are captioned to be exceptionally funny but they're still endearing and sincere. He's a fantastic special needs kitty who deserves to continue growing with popularity. theoriginalgimpycat

What are you waiting for?

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