Take A Break From Reading Stressful News With Over 40 Of The Greatest One-Liner Jokes We Could Find
Enjoy this collection of super funny jokes that's got something for everyone.

The creative prowess of a writer shines through the most when it comes to writing something in just a few words. You may not think that this applies to corny jokes like some of these, but trust me when I tell you, it absolutely does.
The pure skill needed to send a message using nothing more than a few words isn't something everyone has. That's why we all love and appreciate witty one-liners because you can have the biggest laugh from the smallest joke.
If you haven't realized by now, a one-liner joke, or as it's often called, a punchline, is a joke that's delivered in usually just one sentence. These jokes are really simple, and they convey the message quickly so you don't actually need perfect timing to get a big reaction.
If you've spent even a small amount of time watching movies then you've heard a bunch of one-liners from your favorite characters, like James Bond. Lots of movies and shows use them a lot, and it's crazy how you never get tired of hearing the same sentence over and over again.
Below we have some of the greatest one-liner jokes we could find on the internet. Guaranteed to make you laugh.
1. Starting the list off strong.

2. I guess we'll wait and see.

3. Who's there?

4. This one hits too close to home.

5. No running in the family.

6. The workers kept saying they were right there.

7. Sounds about right.

8. Who needs lemons?

9. Don't know, don't care.

10. Full of surprises.

11. Am I the only who hates this? I can't be.

12. A shocking revelation.

13. A 2-in-1 joke.

14. Hell yes.

15. They just can't stay out.

16. One well seasoned veteran, please.

17. Imagine if they took things with a grain of salt.

18. I'd have to download it.

19. Be careful what you think of.

20. Makes it and breaks it.

21. A good old in-laws joke.

22. A classic playground insult.

23. Yeah, not at all.

24. How do you come up with this??

25. I'll get to it eventually.

26. Tension in the air.

27. Still counting...

28. Chicken tendieees.

29. Just can't see to get them to work.

30. Left calmly.

31. Best way to take it.

32. I'm not sure if this one's funny.

33. Such a creative name.

34. Can't get enough of it.

35. Who let them in without a license?

36. Everyone's equal.

37. Lets wrap this up.

38. One day more or less.

39. Low standards.

40. Who doesn't love saying it?

41. Small arms only.

42. Standing up for yourself.

43. Perfect joke to end this.

And just like that, we reached the end of this amazing list. We definitely enjoyed searching the internet for these hilarious jokes and we can only hope you enjoyed going through these.
If these weren't enough to get a laugh out of you then I guess one-liners just aren't for you. Or just jokes in general because these were great.
