51 Interesting, Funny, And Strange Photos From The Last Century That Could Alter Your View Of Things
"Dedicated to the past"

There is something mysterious about photos from the past. They always have a mesmerizing effect on us and make us watch them again and again, without any chance of ever getting bored.
You can learn so much about the past by looking at just one photo. While each of them tells its own story, it also reveals interesting facts about the period in which it was taken.
There are countless photos from the past, but considering how many social media projects have been committed to them, you'd think you'd already seen them all by now. Especially those of our favorites - celebrities.
But, don't worry, we can never get so close to the idea of seeing them all. As a matter of fact, probably not even the vast majority.
The Instagram account, Vintage Daily, is one of the accounts dedicated to the past and adores its photos and stories. They are great lovers of the past who continually post newly discovered images from the previous century, with a strong desire to show them to others who share their enthusiasm for the past.
So if you are a lover of the past, please enjoy the following photos below. We have compiled a new collection of their latest shared photos.
1. "A couple drinking water from fountain. Michigan, 1940s"

2. "Teenagers going on a date, 1950s"

3. "A group of five transsexual women in Paris, 1959 - Miriam, Nana, Jacky, Gine & Sabrina. Photo by Christer Strömholmrömholm"

4. "On the observation deck of the Empire State Building, New York, mid-1940's"

5. "Audrey with her hair down"

6. "Thames swan shares a treat, 1958"

7. "An exhausted young couple during an all-night jazz session at the Royal Albert Hall in London, 1957. Photo by Erich Auerbach"

8. "Sharon Tate wearing a pink top and headband, 1968"

9. "A veterinarian, inspecting an early prototype of the internet in the 1950's"

10. "A gay couple and a lesbian couple outside the bank, Idaho, United States, 1941. Photo by Russell Lee"

11. "Winona Ryder the night she met Johnny Depp"

12. "A French soldier feeding his kitten, Indochina 1956"

13. "A young man helping his date into her skating kit, Tokyo, 1959. Photograph by John Dominis"

14. "An Indian woman, a Japanese woman, and a Syrian woman, all training to be doctors at Women’s Medical College of Philadelphia"

15. "Young couples at a formal dance dreamily sway on the crowded floor of dim, chandelier-lit ballroom, 1940s. Photo by Nina Leen"

16. "Evening in Kenwood, 1934. Photo by Bill Brandt"

17. "View of the Pyramids during a Solar Eclipse, August 30, 1905. Photo: Gabriel Lekegian"

18. "Jumping the puddle, Berlin, 1930. Photo by Friedrich Seidenstücker"

19. "San Francisco's Lombard Street in 1975"

20. "John & Yoko waiting for the maid to make the bed so they can continue protesting the system"

21. "A California teacher teaching the physics of surfing, 1970."

22. "Cher, 1977"

23. "Fan takes selfie with Elvis Presley, 1960s"

24. "New York City Ballet, 1940. Photo by Larry Colwell"

25. "David Bowie, Paris, June 1977. Photo by Christian Simonpiétri"

26. "A young boy that had just stolen his father's car and crashed it, takes one last puff on his cigarette before facing the consequences,1974"

27. "Love in time of war, 1944"

28. "Couple on beach, Coney Island, 1947. Photo by Ruth Orkin"

29. "A couple making a point about smog and the environment, 1970. Photo by H. Armstrong"

30. "A Secret Love: "To Buzz, l'Il Always Remember The Times We Spent Together. All My Love, Your Tommy" 26 March 1949"

31. "Audrey Hepburn, Paris, 1956"

32. "A Filipino baby and her family inside a human zoo in New York, USA. 1906"

33. "A man stops to watch a woman tie her sandals in Portofino Marina, August 1977. Photo by Slim Aarons"

34. "Prince Charles and Princess Diana on vacation in Bahamas, 1982"

35. "Summer Solstice Celebration, Stockholm, Sweden, 1970"

36. "Sausages and Women. If you want to enjoy the experience, never watch the preparation of either." Oscar Wilde

37. "Woodstock '69"

38. "Females at the First Chippendales Club, Los Angeles, 1979"

39. "Marilyn Monroe, startled by a firecracker, opens the Time-Life Building in New York, 1957"

40. "A girl with a massive bush"

41. "Newlyweds ride a train headed to Tokyo, Japan, 1964. Photo by Bill Ray"

42. "Burlesque dancer Miss Zorita walking her snake, 1940s"

43. "Norman Parkinson photograph of two people running up a street in New York City in 1960"

44. "Albert Einstein before his famous photo with his tongue out"

45. "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

46. "Surrounded by others, a couple enjoys some privacy as they embrace in a hole in the sand on a beach in Santa Monica, California, July 4, 1950. (Photo by Ralph Crane)"

47. "3 year old kisses a puppy, 1950"

48." Evolution of the donut hole"

49. "James Dean signing autographs in his car, 1950's"

50. "Diana Ross finishing a rib, 1980s"

51. "Bonnie and Clyde's last kiss a few hours before they were killed, May 23, 1934"

Hopefully, you enjoyed this post as much as we did. If you're interested to see more pictures from the past century, you can visit their Instagram.
And to stay updated with new photos, you can follow them either. Anyway, we will continue to keep you informed of the most interesting ones.
