Cross Stitches That Are So Offensive They Definitely Don't Belong To Your Grandma
Forget the old boring quotes we usually look at these cross stitches are much more entertaining.

When we talk about cross stitches, we think about grandma sitting on the patio in her rocking chair making these olden days cross stitches that consist of patterns of flowers and even nice, friendly quotes that help people and motivate them.
Then they would give it to us their grandchildren and you have to be happy about it because you cannot ever hurt your grandmama's feelings, it goes against humanity! We store them away and forget about it until the day we want to relive those memories.
But these people, (I don't think it's grandma) decided to cross stitch every day rude quotes and they display it all over their homes for everyone to take laughing offense.
Thank you dinosaurs
Who run's the world? Girls!
Dear Zombies
You are welcome, but if you step out of place a bullet may fly your way.
Us humans can be difficult
We definitely are the worst sometimes, not all the time, but most of the time.
Surprised much
Of course, we are surprised! Most men can't even multitask how are they successful. No offence to all men!

Born in sin
And then we live in sin, we can never seem to win.
Everything I tell you!
As we all know birds they always leave they're shitty - ness everywhere.

Just beat it
What a clever way to use a vegetable.
Why do we make things so difficult for ourselves?

Novel threat
I will make you the bad guy, you better behave.
Sleep all day
This is what happens when you get old, you just want to sleep.
Mommy's helpers
All moms need some help here and there with the pesky little kids.
Lose my mind
The touch of flowers is genius! It does not look threatening at all.

The 21st century
Maybe back in the old day's things were still great, now it is just dysfunctional.

I will only ask once
Please do it while I am still asking nicely.
Treat me like Kanye
This would be one perfect guy.
Hatred is bad, don't do it
We all have those days where nothing goes right and you just hate everyone and everything.
The field is empty
No fucks were given this season.
Gangster paradise
They probably see rainbows when they are high in the sky.
I am a proper lady
I do things the right way or no way.
Raise your flag
Let everyone know who you truly are.
Proven method of handling children
This is evidence of why the young are eaten. They are just too much to handle!
My kind of people
Drinking wine and judging is pretty fun until it bites you in the behind.
David Bowie dream
If he told you to do it then you better do it.
Wine that dog
Company is company even if it is your dog.
Why work then
Enjoy life rather than to sit at a boring 9 - 5 job that sucks out your soul.
This is one educational cross stitch
Will certainly help us know what syphilis looks like inside you.

Where should we do it then?
Which place would be appropriate to do it? Perhaps the bedroom or lounge?
Bitch please!
Best quote ever written.
