Couple Argues Over Keeping Dog Off Leash When Outdoors

Usually couples argue over petty stuff, but not agreeing on this could be annoying.

Couple Argues Over Keeping Dog Off Leash When Outdoors

We're back with another look into an AITA thread story from Reddit. We love diving into these stories because people usually come on there to spill tea about a situation in their life and ask for advice on whether or not what they did was right.

We usually love to dissect the story and find out all of the possible perspectives that you can take when reading git. Then we dive into the best comments left on the Reddit post.

Usually, Reddit commenters give their opinion on what they think the original poster is whether that be NTA or TA, or even ESH. This vote gives them the verdict on their situation.

Today, we'll be going over a story where a wife and her husband can't agree on a proper way to let their dog out of the house. While the wife leaves her on a leash, her husband lets her go off-leash, and they can't seem to agree on which way to do things.

The wife's concern is that the dog is unpredictable and very well could be harmful if provoked but they really don't know. If you want to know more about this story and what people had to say about it too, then stay tuned as we take a look into it.

Here is the beginning of the post where she explains the dog's situation.

Here is the beginning of the post where she explains the dog's situation.LNG

This is when she explains that they can't agree on leaving the dog on leash or off leash.

This is when she explains that they can't agree on leaving the dog on leash or off leash.LNG

It wasn't long before the first comment rolled in calling her NTA.

It wasn't long before the first comment rolled in calling her NTA.StAlvis

People began giving good reasons as to why the dog should just be kept on a leash.

People began giving good reasons as to why the dog should just be kept on a leash.Cat-catt

Exactly. Regardless the dog should be on a leash, but her dog really needs to be on a leash.

Exactly. Regardless the dog should be on a leash, but her dog really needs to be on a leash.HanaBothWays

Other commenters went straight for worse case scenario on the husband's part.

Other commenters went straight for worse case scenario on the husband's part.Fickle_Ostrich4923

Dogs are very unpredictable and should be leashed at all times.

Dogs are very unpredictable and should be leashed at all times.SmallChallenge

It's important to leash your dog so that you remain in control of them at all times. They are unpredictable.

It's important to leash your dog so that you remain in control of them at all times. They are unpredictable.tnannie

People often believe that their dogs are safe because they are nice to them, but ultimately they could react any way to a stranger.

People often believe that their dogs are safe because they are nice to them, but ultimately they could react any way to a stranger.Curious-Duck

You just can't risk the dog attacking anyone or another animal.

You just can't risk the dog attacking anyone or another animal.CaptainClownshow

Exactly that. It's extremely irresponsible.

Exactly that. It's extremely irresponsible.angelaheidt

It's easier on the dog and the human to keep them on a leash.

It's easier on the dog and the human to keep them on a leash.aDarumaDoll

Exactly but her husband knows this and is still trying to keep it off leash.

Exactly but her husband knows this and is still trying to keep it off leash.Riley_Coyote

Period. Use a leash. She's NTA.

Period. Use a leash. She's NTA.cookies_squeaky

Interesting perspective made by this commenter.

Interesting perspective made by this commenter.ZealouosidealDingo594

Keep the dog on the leash, but I say still try to train them. Leashing them is still necessary even if they're trained, especially in public spaces.

Keep the dog on the leash, but I say still try to train them. Leashing them is still necessary even if they're trained, especially in public spaces.Perfect-Sign-8444

This is a great perspective as well.

This is a great perspective as well.DreamingofRyleh

It's always interesting when people come on the AITA Reddit pages to ask for advice on their situation. This one clearly had every agreeing that she was indeed NTA and that her husband should be a bit more responsible with the dog.

Despite everyone voting NTA for this situation, what would you have voted for this?
