35 Hilarious Posts That Are Oddly Specific
These take the saying “There is a grain of truth in every joke" maybe too literally?

There is a popular belief in the old adage “There is a grain of truth in every joke,” or “A joke is a truth wrapped in a smile.” Famed Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud suggested that jokes actually were true.
According to Freud, these joke-truths were to serve one of two purposes, aggression (such as sarcasm) or to expose an unconscious desire (sexual jokes, which, of COURSE, Freud found a connection to jokes and sex). But is there really any truth in every joke?
It’s a debated question in the psychology world, and in everyday life. People will point out the obvious, that if someone is making a joke at your expense, they must have some preconceived thought or truth about you to inspire such a jab.
However, there are some really asinine, obtuse, or just outright bonkers that could be difficult to link any truth to. For any sort of example, you can turn to the trusty internet and its users to deliver.
It's a well-accepted fact that the internet is rife with hilarious posts at our fingertips, some are obviously just silliness, while others are really oddly specific. You know the ones, where deep down you’re kind of worried about the person who told it.
Those happen to be some of my favorite jokes. If jokes really do have some truth behind them, then these posts we’ve collected have a whole new dark side to them.
If you're curious about these hilarious, yet oddly specific posts, keep scrolling to see for yourself.
Someone has had a little too much time to themselves after watching Avengers

Nailed it

Kia's are reliable enough

Never know when this will come in handy

No one would stand a chance

I mean, I'd thank Bigfoot?

It never took much to impress kids, and still doesn't

Humans wouldn't stand a chance

Excellent use of homophones

Similar to a man cold, I'd assume

You know, it really IS wild that alcohol is the legal one

Please. PLEASE

A rooster ABSOLUTELY wrote that

Show 👏 them👏 the 👏 cat 👏

Solid advice

Honestly, same

It's a never ending cycle

But why?

Ugh that's actually such good advice

Jock that listens to jazz, hands down


You did all you could, now take care of your face


Yes, because I'm the goblin

Nice knowing you, Jon

Oh, this brings up some painful memories

True mark of maturation

That would be pretty messed up

Just focus on anything else but the obvious

I'd argue that isn't as satisfying as sex

Touch-starved is a real thing

@ Me trying to say "preface"

This raises a lot of questions

The worst part of slushies besides the brain freeze

I have a mighty need to do this now

Oddly specific jokes or "theoretical" questions and stories are quite the niche genre of humor. Did any resonate with you?
Do YOU have any oddly specific jokes to share too? Comment below to let us know, and be sure to share with your friends and family for a good laugh.
