Man Is Concerned Over Boyfriend's Mom's Weird Obsessive Behavior Around Their Dog
We'd feel a little bit weird too if our MIL acted like this.
- Published in Animal Stories
We're back at it again today with another Reddit post, and this time, it's from the AITA thread. This thread is the perfect place to go if you are looking to get an unbiased opinion or advice on your situation.
We have to admit that a lot of the time, it's best just to get an opinion from someone you don't know rather than asking friends or family who might have a biased opinion. Ultimately, we like looking into these posts because they usually get a lot of different opinions and responses in the comments, plus the posts themselves are usually pretty entertaining as well.
With this being said, we are looking at a post today that was submitted by a guy who is concerned about how his boyfriend's mom is acting towards their dog. He gets into details in his post on what exactly is going on but basically, she seems obsessed with the dog and acts like it is hers instead of his.
He expresses the situations that have happened and just shares that he just wants to know if this is weird or if he shouldn't really be concerned at all, but people had quite a bit to say in the comments. The whole situation seems a little bit weird, making the situation just odd.
Let's take a look at the full post and all the best comments on it.
OP starts off with explaining their situation and who him and his boyfriend are.
He then goes into detail about his partner's mom and how she's been acting towards them.
Then he gets into details of the things that she has done and what has just been weird about her behavior.
These instances are really weird, and we definitely don't think that OP is overreacting here.
I would feel very weird if they were to do this with my dog so I definitely get why OP is thinking that this is weird.
I would think that maybe there's more to the story here and that maybe she has some sort of abandonment issues or something.
It honestly seems like the examples are never ending here honestly.
This is the last instance that he spoke about that had to do with his boyfriend's mom being just weird with their dog.
This also could be an idea as well, and maybe that's why she is looking into the dog so much. But it seems that this isn't right.
It sounds like she doesn't really want a dog then.
It's kind of weird that she's making it seem like she has authority over the dog or like she'll be taking care of him.
OP wants to know if he is overreacting or not about this situation and is looking for guidance in the comments.
TLDR for everyone that doesn't want to read that all.
It does sound kind of weird that she's acting this way and it seems like she's just really overstepping her boundaries.
BSCD95OP responded a lot in the comments saying thank you to everyone for all of the advice as he navigates this situation,.
dog__dadThis is a pretty important question to ask as well because it definitely could have a huge factor in why she's acting this way.
WinstonDresdenPeople had a lot to say in the comments about the situation and everything that was going on. It seems like there are a lot of things to consider here, but people do agree that OP is not TA here and that it is very weird that she's being this way about the dog.
What do you think about the situation?