Woman Decides Not To Wear A Bra In Public And Her Friends Are Shaming Her Decision

Woman's friend definitely has some issues with her not wearing a bra in public, but why?

Woman Decides Not To Wear A Bra In Public And Her Friends Are Shaming Her Decision

Welcome back to another Reddit post that was submitted on the AITA page. We love going through these posts because they are really interesting and they usually have quite a lot of engagement and comments on them.

The AITA thread is the perfect place to get an unbiased opinion from people and see their perspectives on your situation. Ultimately they want to find out if they're right or wrong for how they acted in a particular situation.

So with that being said, we're here today to check out a post that was submitted by a woman trying to find out if she's wrong for not wearing a bra in public. Her friend bashed her for this but the full story is a bit more complicated than that so we recommend that you try to read the whole story before forming an opinion.

If you're interested in hearing more about this then keep on reading because as always, we'll be looking into all of the details including the whole post and the comments that were left on it.

Be sure to form your own opinion on the situation and let us know how you feel about the scenario and how OP handled it. Let's dive in and check out the post.

OP starts off with giving us context about her and her preferences when it comes to wearing a bra in public.

OP starts off with giving us context about her and her preferences when it comes to wearing a bra in public.u/astronaut_enby

She then goes into the conversation that happened between her and her friend when it came to OP not wearing a bra to the mall.

She then goes into the conversation that happened between her and her friend when it came to OP not wearing a bra to the mall.u/astronaut_enby

OP says that the friend told other people about the situation and this is when people started being mad at her.

OP says that the friend told other people about the situation and this is when people started being mad at her.u/astronaut_enby

Then she came back with an edit to explain what happened after she posted this on Reddit. Stay tuned for edit number two.

Then she came back with an edit to explain what happened after she posted this on Reddit. Stay tuned for edit number two.u/astronaut_enby

Then OP comes back in for a second edit and explains that the friend actually told a lie to the others and so that is why they were all bad at her.

Then OP comes back in for a second edit and explains that the friend actually told a lie to the others and so that is why they were all bad at her.u/astronaut_enby

People had some additional questions on the friends and what they are really mad about.

People had some additional questions on the friends and what they are really mad about.Own-Whereas-7420

This is when people started commenting saying that her friend needs to be educated on how dressing without a bra doesn't make you any less than the next girl.

This is when people started commenting saying that her friend needs to be educated on how dressing without a bra doesn't make you any less than the next girl.GreenEyedKittyCat

She is most definitely incorrect. You can wear or not wear whatever you please and she should know that.

She is most definitely incorrect. You can wear or not wear whatever you please and she should know that.greenrosechafer

It does sound liek the friend has some personal issues and that's why she made this a much bigger deal than it needed to be.

It does sound liek the friend has some personal issues and that's why she made this a much bigger deal than it needed to be.moni_talksstuff

Some people came in with a bit of wisdom and explained that going without a bra is better and to do it while you can.

Some people came in with a bit of wisdom and explained that going without a bra is better and to do it while you can.NotYourMutha

We really think this friend had some other issues going on because not wearing a bra isn't that serious at all. The fact that she changed up the story to make OP look bad also shows her true intentions and hopefully OP decided to get some new friends after all of this because she really needs them.
