Redditor Refuses To Walk Friend's Energetic Dog Without A Leash, Gets Called "Animal Abuser"

"She said that if I put a leash on him, that'd be "abuse."

Redditor Refuses To Walk Friend's Energetic Dog Without A Leash, Gets Called "Animal Abuser"

Friendship is a bond that, in most cases, transcends our everyday problems and disagreements. However, it is not uncommon for disputes to arise, especially when the responsibility of a living being, such as a pet, enters the equation.

This is a recounting of an incident in which a good friendship was tested by the responsibilities around pet care. The protagonist, a 26-year-old woman, found herself in a predicament when her 27-year-old friend urgently requested her to walk Jeffy, her energetic 1.5-year-old golden retriever.

Being familiar with Jeffy and having visited her friend's place regularly, she initially agreed to the request. The situation, however, took a turn when she discovered that the walk would involve navigating a busy street and park without the safety of a leash.

Jeffy, despite being well-behaved and trained to follow commands, was used to walking without a leash. This situation posed a dilemma for our protagonist, who, though not inexperienced with dogs, felt uncomfortable with the idea of managing Jeffy's excitement and potential unpredictability without the security of a leash.

She feared losing control, with the dog potentially getting scared or overexcited, running off, and getting lost in the bustling neighborhood. Despite her attempts to explain her concerns, her friend insisted that walking Jeffy with a leash would be tantamount to abuse, a claim our protagonist strongly disagreed with.

This belief that a leash restricts a dog's freedom and exploration, while not uncommon among some dog owners, fails to consider that not all people handling the dog might be comfortable or experienced enough to manage the dog without this tool, especially in potentially high-distraction environments.

Read the full story below:

OP asks:

OP asks:Reddit

OP found herself in a predicament when her 27-year-old friend urgently requested her to walk Jeffy, her energetic 1.5-year-old golden retriever.

OP found herself in a predicament when her 27-year-old friend urgently requested her to walk Jeffy, her energetic 1.5-year-old golden retriever.Reddit

Jeffy, despite being well-behaved and trained to follow commands, was used to walking without a leash.

Jeffy, despite being well-behaved and trained to follow commands, was used to walking without a leash.Reddit

She feared losing control, with the dog potentially getting scared or overexcited, running off, and getting lost in the bustling neighborhood.

She feared losing control, with the dog potentially getting scared or overexcited, running off, and getting lost in the bustling neighborhood.Reddit

Despite her attempts to explain her concerns, her friend insisted that walking Jeffy with a leash would be tantamount to abuse, a claim our protagonist strongly disagreed with.

Despite her attempts to explain her concerns, her friend insisted that walking Jeffy with a leash would be tantamount to abuse, a claim our protagonist strongly disagreed with.Reddit

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:Reddit

Walking an unleashed dog by the road is risky, no matter if it is trained or not

Walking an unleashed dog by the road is risky, no matter if it is trained or notReddit

"This friend only cares about what you can do for them, not about you."


OP responded:

OP responded:Reddit

Is the dog trained to obey OP?

Is the dog trained to obey OP?Reddit

Unleashed dog + busy street = disaster waiting to happen

Unleashed dog + busy street = disaster waiting to happenReddit

Here, you person without any knowledge of dogs, you must walk my dog without a leash

Here, you person without any knowledge of dogs, you must walk my dog without a leashReddit

It's clear that our OP here did the right thing. Sure, she was asked to help out a friend, but that help came with a catch - walking an energetic dog on a busy street without a leash.

That's a risky move, even if Jeffy is usually well-behaved. She doesn't know him as well as his owner does, and it's completely fair for her to worry about what could happen if something out of the ordinary pops up.

Her friend's claim that a leash equals 'abuse' doesn't make sense. Leashes are there for a reason - to keep the dog and everyone else safe.

Yes, Jeffy might be trained and good-natured, but that doesn't mean everyone else will be comfortable or capable of managing him without a leash.
