The Best And Funniest "We Are Not The Same" Memes On The Internet Today
Move aside Baby Yoda, 'We are Not The Same' memes have taken over

In the final quarter of 2019, a lot of great, new memes hit us hard (especially Baby Yoda Memes.) Alongside major contenders though, one stood out as one of the funniest: "we are not the same." What started as a musing of people contending for the romantic hand of a girl has morphed as memes often do into many hilarious directions, plenty of which end in the classic (and always hysterical) self-deprecation.
We find both the classics that started it all (you're in her DMs,) and everything in between that led up to self-deprecation are all utterly hilarious and worth laughing at repeatedly until our sides hurt.
1. Weird flex, but okay.

2. Wholesome.

3. Um. Okay.

4. Pretty creepy but okay.

5. Jimmy John's... kudos.

6. Super nerdy, I love it.

7. Romantic.

8. Solidarity.

9. Are you, though? Are you?

10. Troll-tastic!

11. Drunk texting mom is the superior choice, I agree.

12. A classic?

13. Don't even look at me if you don't find this hilarious.

14. To serve and be served.

15. Wholesome?

16. Ouch, this stings.

17. Nice!

18. Chemical Imbalances > Irrational Sadness

19. B L O C K E D


21. Spoopy?

22. Chipotle has swagger.

23. Like a sir.

24. Awwww yeah

25. Uh, this escalated quickly.

26. Oh snap.

27. Not something to brag about but okay

28. This is either motivation for a career change or... IDK.

29. Jazz Hands

30. This also escalated quickly.

31. Another weird flex, but again, ok.


33. Definitely not the same

34. These distinctions matter.

35. Definitely another one not worth bragging about.

36. Crude as heck

37. Not. The. Same!!

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