Woman With Strange Family History Doesn't Want To Be Called "Aunt" Because She Doesn't Understand The Need For Titles
"With everything going on, I really don't want that connection to be made."

In many families, secrets often take root and grow, leading to webs of stories and narratives that get passed down through generations. In a heartfelt account from a 32-year-old woman on Reddit, she detailed her family's journey through revelations, relationships, and the implications of titles.
Growing up, the woman believed she was the second youngest of four siblings, with two sisters - Ann and Cece - and a brother named Bo. However, when she was 14, an explosive family secret was revealed: Cece was actually the daughter of Ann, the eldest sister.
This revelation came from prying neighbors and shattered the family's dynamic. The woman's parents had brought up Cece as their own after Ann decided to give her up due to pressure from her boyfriend, who wasn't willing to accept another man's child.
Rather than see their grandchild handed over to strangers, the parents decided to adopt Cece, thus securing her place in the family. However, after the passing of the parents in a tragic accident, dynamics began to shift once again.
Upon giving birth, Cece began referring to Ann and her wealthy husband as her child's grandparents. According to the woman's account, this change in title was largely motivated by the financial advantages Ann's husband provided.
The issue escalated when people began to assume Ann was the mother of the 32-year-old woman since she was identified as the grandmother of Cece's child. With everything going on, the woman decided she no longer wanted the title of 'aunt,' and her brother Bo felt the same.
This led to increased tensions, with Ann beginning to spread false rumors about the circumstances surrounding Cece's adoption.
OP asks:

Growing up, the woman believed she was the second youngest of four siblings, with two sisters - Ann and Cece - and a brother named Bo.

However, when she was 14, an explosive family secret was revealed: Cece was actually the daughter of Ann, the eldest sister.

Now there is a shift in the family dynamics

OP posted an edit to make things clear:

She doesn't live in an English-speaking country, and they have different words for aunts

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

"Most great aunts get called aunt."

Ann is trying to rewrite history

"Almost no one ever calls their great aunt great aunt."

OP doesn't see why she needs a title to be in baby's life.

Family narratives, particularly those interwoven with secrets, are never black and white. But what's clear from this personal account is the glaring misuse of family titles for financial gains.
It's heartbreaking to see the importance of genuine bonds being overshadowed by materialistic motives. Ann's choice to give away her daughter, influenced by a man's unwillingness to accept another's child, was undoubtedly a difficult one.
But her recent actions, fueled by the allure of wealth, have only added salt to old wounds. Cece's decision to appease Ann for monetary reasons tarnishes the legacy of the parents who took her in and raises questions about the value she places on authentic relationships.
The 32-year-old woman's desire not to be titled an 'aunt' in this entangled family web is valid, considering the complexities of their family history and the potential misrepresentations that could arise.
