Girl Judged For Not Attending Funeral For Someone That She Feels She Wasn't Necessarily Close To

Choosing to go to a funeral or not is a personal choice either way.

Girl Judged For Not Attending Funeral For Someone That She Feels She Wasn't Necessarily Close To

Welcome back here to another Reddit post we'll be looking into and we are here with another post from the AITA thread that we love so much. This thread is the perfect place to go for unbiased advice and opinions on your situation.

Sometimes you have to ask the internet if you're wrong or not in a situation because it's just hard to see if you are truly in the wrong when it's based on your personal situation. With this being said, we are looking at a post that was submitted by a woman who wants to know if she's wrong for not attending the funeral of a girl she knows.

Now, she probably wouldn't feel any type of way if it wasn't for this friend who keeps making her feel bad about this. Ultimately, when it comes to funerals those are personal anyway, and choosing to go or not is also a personal choice.

OP was judged heavily by this friend for not attending the funeral and keeping her plans with her boyfriend instead. If you're interested in looking into the full post and seeing all of the best comments that people left on he post as well then keep on reading as we dive in and give you all the details.

OP begins by explaining her relationship with the girl who passed away and explaining who exactly she is to her.

OP begins by explaining her relationship with the girl who passed away and explaining who exactly she is to her.

It seems that they weren't that close, but either way, attending a funeral is a personal decision.

It seems that they weren't that close, but either way, attending a funeral is a personal decision.

It's clear that OP's best friend was a bit closer to the girl who passed away, but that has nothing really to do with OP.

It's clear that OP's best friend was a bit closer to the girl who passed away, but that has nothing really to do with OP.

This is totally fair, though, because you're deciding based on the relationship you had with the person.

This is totally fair, though, because you're deciding based on the relationship you had with the person.

This is when everyone finds out that the girl passed, and her best friend finds out that the girl passed as well.

This is when everyone finds out that the girl passed, and her best friend finds out that the girl passed as well.

OP then explains that she had plans with her boyfriend at this time and didn't feel like she should change them because of the funeral.

OP then explains that she had plans with her boyfriend at this time and didn't feel like she should change them because of the funeral.

Knowing this is definitely important because either way, she probably wouldn't have wanted her there with him.

Knowing this is definitely important because either way, she probably wouldn't have wanted her there with him.

She gives us some examples of how her friend acts when it comes to OP's boyfriend.

She gives us some examples of how her friend acts when it comes to OP's boyfriend.

This is when she finds out about the funeral and decides that she's not going to go.

This is when she finds out about the funeral and decides that she's not going to go.

The day of the funeral her friend texts her and asks if she will be attending, but OP responds telling her no.

The day of the funeral her friend texts her and asks if she will be attending, but OP responds telling her no.

This is how she ends her post and she's asking for advice on whether she's in the wrong or not for not attending the funeral.

This is how she ends her post and she's asking for advice on whether she's in the wrong or not for not attending the funeral.

The first comment was long and had a lot to say to OP about this situation and her decision to not go.

The first comment was long and had a lot to say to OP about this situation and her decision to not go.bantling00

Some comments encouraged her to reach out how she feels comfortable but not to feel bad about not going to the funeral.

Some comments encouraged her to reach out how she feels comfortable but not to feel bad about not going to the funeral.bantling00

Attending a funeral should be looked at as a personal decision anyway and not something obligatory if you know the person.

Attending a funeral should be looked at as a personal decision anyway and not something obligatory if you know the person.Both-Ad1586

There weren't a ton of responses here but the ones that were here definitely said that OP was NTA here in this situation and we have to agree with them. Losing someone is hard but attending the funeral, or not attending, should be something that is a personal choice and not something to be judged for.
