30 Nostalgic Photos Of Things Everyone Had in Their Homes In The 80s

Pictures of these items in our homes in the 1980s take the place of time travel.

30 Nostalgic Photos Of Things Everyone Had in Their Homes In The 80s

There is a lot to reminisce and enjoy about the 1980s. It was a completely enjoyable time for anyone who grew up in the 1980s, with long hair, crazy fashion styles, blockbuster films like “E.T.” and “The Empire Strikes Back,” the “Brat Pack,” and fanny packs.In The '80s That Were Absolutely Awesome

If you were a kid in elementary school in the 1980s and didn’t have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figurines, you were possibly not part of the “in” crowd. The trend began with comic books, then progressed to action figures, mini-series, and lastly animated series.

However, these old toys can still be sold for a reasonable price today. Simply find a suitable buyer on eBay or Craigslist!

Tupperware containers have been in American home cabinets since the 1980s, despite changes in form, color, and style. They began as thick, vegetable-colored plastic bowls and have since become thinner and clearer.

They are now sold with meals inside, such as lunch meats, cheeses, and salad greens. But nothing would crack these dishes then; now they don’t make them like they used to.

In the 1980s, homes just wouldn’t be complete without these items. Check out our well-curated list to see if you can find some of your 1980s items or if you still have them around!

1. Walkman Cassette Players

1. Walkman Cassette Players

2. Fanny Packs

Fanny packs came out during the late 80s and now they’re back.

2. Fanny Packs

3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Toys

The trend first started from a comic book, then moved to action figures, then mini-series and finally a cartoon series.

3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Toys

4. Cabbage Patch Kids Dolls

4. Cabbage Patch Kids Dolls

5. Tupperware

5. Tupperware

6. Recipe Card Boxes

A lot of families still have recipe cards and boxes as they’re super convenient.

6. Recipe Card Boxes

7. Life was simpler in the 80s with these Bush Radios

7. Life was simpler in the 80s with these Bush Radios

8. Matching Bathroom Sets

8. Matching Bathroom Sets

9. Banana clips were a life-saver back then

9. Banana clips were a life-saver back then

10. Different Character Beddings

10. Different Character Beddings

11. Playing with these Matchbox Cars for hours

11. Playing with these Matchbox Cars for hours

12. Big Box Televisions

12. Big Box Televisions

13. Commodore 64 Micro Computers

13. Commodore 64 Micro Computers

14. Vintage Alarm Clocks

14. Vintage Alarm Clocks

15. Vintage Silverware

15. Vintage Silverware

16. Casserole Dishes with flowers on it

16. Casserole Dishes with flowers on it

17. These Bottles of Milk

17. These Bottles of Milk

18. Bread Boxes

18. Bread Boxes

19. Electric Typewriters

19. Electric Typewriters

20. Chrome and Cane Wood Chairs

20. Chrome and Cane Wood Chairs

21. Wallpaper - Flowers, flowers and more flowers

21. Wallpaper - Flowers, flowers and more flowers

22. Rubik’s Cubes, which was originally called the Magic Cube in 1977

22. Rubik’s Cubes, which was originally called the Magic Cube in 1977

23. In 1979, Trivial Pursuit sold 20 million units in one year, then another 100 million after that

23. In 1979, Trivial Pursuit sold 20 million units in one year, then another 100 million after that

24. Garage Door Openers

24. Garage Door Openers

25. Floor-to-Ceiling Mirrors

Interior designers back then also reported that floor-to-ceiling mirrors added a feeling of more space.

25. Floor-to-Ceiling Mirrors

26. Polaroid Cameras

Polaroid goes back a long way, but in the 80s, almost every home had one or something similar

26. Polaroid Cameras

27. Blinds

27. Blinds

28. Faux Stone Fireplaces

In the 80s, homeowners began replacing their brick fireplaces with faux stones.

28. Faux Stone Fireplaces

29. Hi-Fi Sound Systems were the latest technology in the 80s

29. Hi-Fi Sound Systems were the latest technology in the 80s

30. These brassy chandeliers to match your cotton table cloth and colored vintage silverware

30. These  brassy chandeliers to match your cotton table cloth and colored vintage silverware

Nostalgia is a wonderful thing. People who lived through a particular decade may develop a strange yearning for it several decades later.

It’s in movies that we have the opportunity of time machines and travel to go back in time to the late 1970s and 1980s. In real life, pictures of these items in our homes in the 1980s take the place of time travel.

They don’t fail to get us in the mood for nostalgia! Let us know if you have any of these items in your home today.
